Stories Episode 6: Autism Rocks and Rolls with Sam and Gina Mitchelle
On todays show I talk with a Sam and his mom Gina Mitchelle. Sam is a Aspie Podcaster whose podcasts are all about showing the emotional side of Autism.
Sam has over 145 episodes of his podcast going strong and has interviewed many interesting people such as Mick Foley from the WWE who is a hall of famer. I will give him a few tips and I am sure he will give me a few tips. Not only will I talk with him but his mom as well.
Let’s find out how he got to be so good at what he does and maybe we can get some guests from him.
So sit back, relax, and grab your favorite beverage be sure to tune in to see what Sam has to say.
Check out Sams page below and tell him Reid sent you.
ADHD, ASD, Asperger's, autism, life skills, mental health, mental wellness, motivation, neurodiverse, Neurodiversity, On the Spectrum, self-care