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Sunshine of the Spirit: David Hecht on Recovery and Spirituality


David Hecht is one of the most interesting people I know. He has been in recovery from addiction for over 33 years. During that time, David has spoken at many conventions on the topic of spirituality and recovery. He has also spoken at local meetings, large and small in the South Florida area and other meetings around the country. He has also sponsored many people over the years and helped them to change their lives. 

David is also highly intelligent. In fact, he has tested in the top 0.1% of the population. In addition to being active in recovery, he is also active in Mensa. On multiple occasions, he has been a stand-by to be a contestant on Jeopardy and could easily win on most nights of the show. So, for people who think they are too smart to recover from addiction, David is proof that this is not true. While intelligence and creativity can work against a person struggling with addiction, spirituality can be the key to recovering.

I highly recommend exploring David Hecht’s writing. An excellent collection of essays is available at

The individual articles are available through these links:

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please let me know. You can reach me on the contact page of my website here:

addiction, addiction recovery, addiction treatment, alcoholism, anxiety, depression, Dr Mark Leeds, drug addiction, drug addiction treatment, Drug Counseling, mental health, mental illness, open minded treatment, opiate addiction, Opiates, Opioid Addiction, opioid crisis, opioid epidemic, Opioids, psychotherapy, recovery, Recovery from addiction, spirituality, Suboxone, substance abuse, substance abuse treatment, Substance Use Disorder, suicide

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