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Superhero Therapy Podcast E4: Psychology of Stranger Things


Even though Stranger Things takes place in the 1980s, the success of the series is due to its broad appeal.  In this episode, we take a closer look at how the lives and relationships of the characters relate to real life.  Find out how Dr. Scarlet connects with Eleven and her struggles.  We’ll discuss what might be happening to Will as he deals with flashbacks and episodes (PTSD? The Anniversary Effect?).  We’ll take a close look at the relationship Max has with her step brother, Hopper has with Eleven and Eleven has with Dr. Brenner.  How could she remain attached to a man who tortured her?  Is it Stockholm Syndrome?  We’ll also attempt to figure out what psychological representations could be found in The Upside Down.  Finally, we’ll talk about what the series shows us about being a friend and a hero.

anxiety, build community, clinical psychology, depression, destagmatize mental health disorders, destigmatize mental health, Dr Janina Scarlet, Dustin McGinnis, mental health, mental health stigma, mental heatlh disorders, mental illness, pop culture, provide tools, psychology, PTSD, social issues, stigma of mental illness, superhero, therapy, therapy tools


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