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Superhero Therapy Podcast E6: Dr. Who Psychology


Doctor Who began in November of 1963.  After 54 years and 13 regenerations, the doctor has regenerated into a woman. Join Dustin McGinnis and Dr. Janina Scarlet, as well as special guests, Alan Kistler and Josué Cardona in discussing the psychology behind the Doctor’s compassion, emotional connection and losses, as well as the importance of diversity and representation.  They’ll also dive into the psychology of the most terrifying monsters of the show.

anxiety, build community, clinical psychology, depression, destagmatize mental health disorders, destigmatize mental health, Dr Janina Scarlet, Dustin McGinnis, mental health, mental health stigma, mental heatlh disorders, mental illness, pop culture, provide tools, psychology, PTSD, social issues, stigma of mental illness, superhero, therapy, therapy tools


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