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Surviving Your Narcissistic Mother with Jaime Grace


Jaime Grace is back to talk about his upcoming book, catch up with our host Kristin Walker, and dive even deeper into this popular yet painful subject.

Grace’s work incorporates Western, depth psychology, developmental theory, as well as meditative, contemplative, and mindfulness-based approaches to interpersonal and personal growth, spiritual transformation, and emotional healing.

His interests and therapeutic training are in the field of analytical and Jungian psychology, and attachment theory. His spiritual background is influenced by Buddhist concepts, Sufism, Christian Mystics, and Shamanistic experiences.

At present, Grace runs his online private practice worldwide (in English and Portuguese). He also runs workshops online and around the world. Besides that, he spends the rest of his time being a spiritual mentor, psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, teacher, coach and writer.


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