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Tag: art in life

Lori Sokol — She is Me: How Women Will Save the World

Lori Sokol is the Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief of Women’s eNews,
an award-winning non profit news organization that reports on the most crucial issues impacting women and girls around the world. She is also the author of the award-winning book, She Is Me: How Women Will Save The World. FInd out more at

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Wendy Conklin — An Encore Career Specializing in Creativity and Fun

Wendy Conklin is a former educational consultant turned boutique chair designer. She took a big leap and started a new business in middle age creating unique and charming upholstered chairs. Her mission is to help clients create surroundings that genuinely reflect their uniqueness, zest, and personality through bespoke chairs and fabric selections. She teaches others to add color and charm to their lives in a number of ways. Have a look at her beautiful website:

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William Damon — The Importance of a “Life Review”

With the perspective of age, many of us find ourselves looking back at our lives and asking questions such as “was my life a good life? Did I make good choices? What are my regrets?” In his new book “A Round of Golf With My Father”, William Damon illustrates the life review by describing his journey to uncover the hidden story of his father, whom he never met and knew almost nothing about until a sudden recent discovery. Find out more at: or

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Yvonne Heath — We Live in a Grief Phobic Society–#Just Show Up

In her nursing career, Yvonne Heath witnessed our grief-phobic society first hand and how our reluctance to talk about, plan and prepare for grief, death and dying causes excessive suffering personally, professionally in life, and at the end of life. She believes that when we learn to talk about and plan for grief and life’s challenges something amazing happens. We live more fully and we suffer less at the end of our life. Our loved ones and workplaces suffer less and are able to move through their grief. Find out more:

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Debby Waldman Encore — “How Covid-19 and Power Tools Helped Heal My Relationship With My Son”

Special Episode for Suicide Prevention Week:
Debby Waldman is a writer and ex-pat American who has lived in Edmonton, Alberta, since 1992. We were knitting buddies in New Haven, Connecticut in the mid-1980s when she was a newspaper reporter there, but we lost touch until recently, when a mutual friend sent me her New York Times essay, “How Covid-19 and Power Tools Helped Heal My Relationship With My Son”:

The essay is in part about how the pandemic gave her a chance to pursue a long-time dream, to learn woodworking, but it’s also about another step in her journey to understand and come to grips with her family’s legacy of mental illness. She has recently completed a draft of a memoir about the effects of the secrets and silence that surrounded the suicide of her father, a Reform rabbi, when she was 13. Learn more at

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Frank King Encore — From Comedy Writer to Suicide Prevention Speaker and Trainer

Special Encore Episode for Suicide Prevention Week:

Frank King was a writer for The Tonight Show for 20 years. But these days he’s helping prevent suicide.
Depression and suicide run in Frank’s family. He was just a young boy when his grandmother committed suicide, an image that’s seared into his mind. He’s thought about killing himself more times than he can count. He’s fought a lifetime battle with Major Depressive Disorder and Chronic Suicidality, turning that long dark journey of the soul into five TEDx Talks and sharing his lifesaving insights on mental health awareness with associations, corporations, and colleges. Find out more about his work at And Check out and to learn more about suicide prevention.

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Toby Younis and Shelley Carney — Helping Encore Entrepreneurs Make Sense of Technology

Toby Younis and Shelley Carney are encore entrepreneurs at AGK Media Studio. Their mission is to help other encore entrepreneurs master the technology necessary to produce live stream video, podcast episodes and blogs all at the same time so they can achieve visibility and credibility in the online marketplace. Find out more at:

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Eleanor Lerman — Award Winning Writer Tackles Caregiving a Sibling with Alzheimers

Have you ever wondered what would happen if one of your family members developed Alzheimers, and unexpectedly came to live with you? Acclaimed author and poet, Eleanor Lerman, just published the book “Watkins Glen” which examines this very situation.

At the heart of “Watkins Glen” is the story of Susan, a woman in her sixties, who reluctantly finds herself having to take care of her estranged older brother, Mark, who has developed Alzheimer’s. Susan is living in Watkins Glen, a town in upstate New York, where she takes her brother to live—temporarily, she thinks. In the throes of his illness, Mark has developed a rare but well-known symptom of dementia called Acquired Artist Syndrome, whereby people who have never even thought about painting suddenly become obsessed with the art. Find out more about Eleanor Lerman at

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Stephanie Raffelock — “Creatrix Rising: Unlocking the Power of Mid-Life Women”

In “Creatrix Rising: Unlocking the Power of Mid-life Women”, Stephanie Raffelock lays out through personal stories and essays the highlights of the past fifty years in which women went from quiet strength to a resounding voice. She invites us along her own transformational journey by providing probing questions for reflection, so we can flesh out and bring to life this new archetype within ourselves.
Written in the spirit of Women Who Run With the Wolves, “Creatrix Rising” gives context in which to place the great, creative surge that women of later years are experiencing personally and collectively. The Crone is replaced by the new archetype of Creatrix, now morphed from the ugly old witch of the forest into the shining inner guide of Creatrices everywhere. Find out more at

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Antonia Rolls — When Your Family Member is Addicted

Behind every addict, there is at least one person traumatized by loving them. Antonia Rolls’ ongoing art project asks both the addict and the person who loves them to say something about how they are coping. Rolls paints portraits of each sitter and writes what they say on the actual painting. She paints each person as an angel or a saint, or at least a divine person, something to do with the dark and the light, the heaven and hell of addiction. Find out more about this touching project:

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