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Tag: autism awareness

132:The Rest Is History By Jason McElwain

Join me as we talk to Jason McElwain. On February 15, 2006, his life changed because he made 20 points in a single basketball game. Fifteen years later, he has met Peyton Manning, George W. Bush, and has been a longtime basketball coach. He has also written a book called “The Game of My Life” and a film is being made about his life called “The Magic of J-Mac.” Jason has autism, but as you listen today, you will know that having autism has not held him down.




131:Meet The True Megan Corwin

On this episode, we meet my good family friend, Megan Corwin, who is my nonbiological aunt. Megan has been a big part of my life since birth. She has completely understood me as the years have gone on. She calls herself a nerd, she is kind to everyone no matter what a person’s background is, and has excellent advice to give, especially to me and everyone else.

130:Meet The Players: Sam Mitchell And Peter Lantz

On today’s episode I interview Peter Lantz. Mr. Lantz is a gave developer and because he has autism and Asperger’s, he gets the extra power of focusing. He is not only a very intelligent young man, but he is passionate about what he does. He is such an inspiration to all and I hope you all check this one out.


127:A Peculiar Episode

Join me as we enter the autistic brain and we go in the deepness of the word “normal.” What does normal mean exactly you might wonder? The answer is from the book Are You Normal by Mark Schulman and we will all find out what the word “normal” means together. 

126:The Big Split

In this episode, I talk about how the great debate of all which is not Obama vs Romney or Trump vs Clinton, it’s cats vs dogs. We will finally settle this argument with evidence from National Geographic Wild book Cats vs Dogs. This also shows the challenge of us being close minded and learning how to open our minds. 

123:Sensitive Feelings

In this episode, I talk about how our senses can be messed up from our hearing to our taste buds. I will explain how we feel when our senses are on track, but when they also get corrupted. Come in and experience what a person with autism feels, sees, hears, smells, and tastes in the sometimes scary world. 


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