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Tag: autism stigma

152:Here‘s Your C-Don‘t Define Me By Lonnie Bedwell

 Join me as we talk to Lonnie Bedwell. This guy is one of my closest friends, and he is someone I really respect. The first time I met Mr. Lonnie Bedwell was through my mother, who has been asking him to speak to her classes for several years. Lonnie’s resume includes kayaking the Grand Canyon twice, appearing on the Steve Harvey Show, NBC’s Today Show, Bobby Bones, being covered by local media numerous times, and having several speaking engagements throughout the year. Lonnie hunts, keeps his home and yard, works, has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, teaches kayaking, and has touched the lives of millions of people who have interacted with him or watched from afar as he conquers the world. Lonnie is the father of three adult daughters and has several grandchildren. Did I mention that he is blind? Despite this, he has accomplished much. He lost his vision several years ago in a hunting accident, but he never gave up and never lost his sight. He also served in the Navy, so we certainly appreciate his service. I am sure that when people think of Lonnie Bedwell, they think of the following: motivator, hero, go-getter, hard worker, dancer, and someone who never gives up.

151:Taking A Trip On The Country Roads

Yee-haw you all! I am back with another music episode. In this one, I play a game where yes, my mystery singer is back. I give you clues as to what song we are singing. I compare country music to autism, and lots of crazy singing is going on. Let’s have fun with this one and learn about autism and country music. 

150:A Beautiful Mess-A Mother‘s Vision By Marie Adell

Get ready to listen to some amazing advice from an Aspie mother, Marie Adell. Marie’s goal is to help others understand autism like her family has done over the years. She is mom to a daughter on the spectrum and has made it to her life goal to be an inspiration and to bring awareness, acceptance and attention to helping aspies become successful. She has not only traveled for educational purposes to places like Ethiopia and Indonesia, but has also worked on other podcasts to spread her knowledge as an autistic mother. 

149:Meet ”Doctor Light” (David Cubby)

In this episode we interview my new friend Doctor Light (AKA David Cubby). Cubby has a degenerative eye condition that has made him blind since he was a child. Although he cannot see faces, he still has an amazing spirit and is a successful comedian who appeared on Britain’s Got Talent. Let’s all listen and enjoy Cubby’s wisdom and you will not help but to laugh at his jokes on this Autism Rocks And Rolls chapter. 

148:A.M.M (Autistics Are Marvelous)

On this episode we discuss the Marvel movies and how each hero relates to autism. You will hear from Iron Man to Hawkeye and many more. Remember, those that are on the autism are “superheroes” after all. So…”I love you three-thousand” and “I can do this all day.” This is a long one, but trust me, it will be worth it.

147:Future Visionaries From JDS Creative Academy

On this episode, we interview Diane Strand and students at the JDS Creative Academy in Temecula, California. This is more than just your regular academy. JDS Creative Academy chairman, Diane Strand, works with anyone with special needs. Diane not only helps the students grow with their media skills, she also helps each student grow as a person and pushes them to be their best with their soft and personal skills. Let’s listen to this episode to see how she helps the students grow! 

146:It's Not A Disability, It's A Different Ability By Jeff Teresi

In this episode, we interview Jeff Teresi. Mr. Teresi equips business professionals with the tools to break through to their next big breakthrough over and over again, both professionally and personally. After years of studying and learning from the experts in personal development, Jeff is most content creating creative content. As a speaker, author, and hall-of-fame business achiever, one of his greatest motivators is motivating others. Jeff loves to travel, speak, and teach around the world at in-person and online events. When he’s not passionately presenting, Jeff’s main joys come from being a husband and father, playing Frisbee with their dog, and receiving face-licks from their fur ball of a bunny. Jeff is also on the autism spectrum, but this does not get him down! For more information, check out

145:Getting Hardcore With Mick Foley

BANG BANG! This is an important starter because we have a very special guest today on Autism Rocks And Rolls. As of today, I can mark something off of my bucket list because the WWE Hall of Famer and hardcore legend Mick Foley is in the house. Mick Foley is a WWE four time world champion and an eleven time WWE tag team champion. However he will also teach you to OWWWW, Have Mercy, due to him having a son who is on the autism spectrum. We will learn how he raised an autistic child while being a professional wrestler from 1983-2000. All he wants everyone to do at the end of this podcast is to learn and to, Have a Nice Day. 

144:You DC: Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Have you ever looked at the shirts that say: This is My Superpower, What’s Yours? Today I am going to tell you mine because this episode will be comparing DC Comics and autism. You will learn how each of the biggest names in DC Comics have particular traits that represent the abilities that neurotypicals produce. So, everyone listen; its not a bird or a plane. Instead, it’s the newest episode of Autism Rocks And Rolls. 

143:When Words Fail Music Speaks Crossover (James Cox)

On this episode, we do the first-ever podcast crossover episode as Autism Rocks And Rolls and When Words Fail Music Speaks come together. James Cox, who is the host, has a mild case of cerebral palsy but has found music therapy to be helpful. Due to that experience, he created the When Words Fail Music Speaks podcast to celebrate music as a treatment for those with any disability from anxiety to autism. So please listen to our conversation about disabilities and music therapy.   


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