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Tag: awareness

048: A New Now with Michael Goddart

Michael describes his book in this way: A Guide to Mastering Wisdom Daily, Achieving Equilibrium, and Empowering Your Noble Self. Isn’t that what we all want to develop for our life? Michael wrote this book in such an authentic way… “feels like I am talking with a very compassionate friend.” Michael and Robin Jillian discuss how we all have an untapped reservoir of awareness that you can learn to access to become wiser, achieve a state of equilibrium, and develop a clearer and stronger sense of purpose for each day and this lifetime. As we live, we gain wisdom…at least that is the preferred way of living in this lifetime. However, there are different types of wisdom…Michael beautifully describes the many “Loving Wisdoms.” Such as: The Wisdom of Acceptance, The Wisdom of Being True to Yourself, The Wisdom of Discipline, and The Wisdom of Love..just to name a few.   If you would like to understand how you can live as your most aware self, this interview will enlighten you on many ideas and truths that you may not have considered. A New Now will help you by guiding you to live a more balanced and joyful life as he teaches you what questions to ask of your “Higher Self.” You are a spiritual being on a spiritual journey…A New Now will teach you to rediscover your true essence.   Learn more about Awaken Radio at

047: The Golden Key with Brandon Beachum

There are keys to living a purposeful and happy life. Brandon Beachum’s new book, “The Golden Key,” is described as modern alchemy to living a full and abundant life. Brandon has lived a very successful life and attributes much of his success to understanding the keys he describes in his book.     We attract into our lives what we are “putting out.” Many refer to this as the “Law of Attraction.” In other words, our thoughts have a vibrational component and we attract into our life things that are in alignment with our vibration. We can learn and understand more deeply how to live a fulfilling and satisfying life, but often we need help with managing our vibrational output. Brandon and Robin talk about the role that Faith and Trust play in bringing joy into our life.     The Golden Key will enlighten you in ways that you may have not considered that will assist you on your path to really shine in the life you have chosen.         Learn more about Awaken Radio at

046: Gift of the Body with Jonathan Goldman, M.Ac. and Co-Founder of the Essential Light Institute

Your human body is the most extraordinary gift in the universe. Every one of your feelings, thoughts, beliefs, opinions, strengths and weaknesses, talents, challenges, miseries, glories, and tools for navigating your life on earth has their assigned place in your energy bodies…or the Chakra energy systems.   There is nothing that is not you! Everything in the universe, all of creation, is contained in miniature in your energy field. Join today’s episode of Awaken Radio as Robin Jillian interviews author and developer of ‘Transformational Energy Healing’ to discuss how you can transform your life by becoming more aware of the wisdom that the body offers through the body’s energy centers or Chakras.   The interview offers insights…practical and understandable ways to shift your consciousness through the awareness of the gifts of your body. If you are interested in healing the beliefs that are holding you back, and/or are a healer who would like to find more potent ways of being of help to others, please join Robin Jillian and Jonathan Goldman for this in-depth interview.   Learn more about Awaken Radio at

45: Crisis Victory…an interview with Dr. Hal Bradley

Would you believe it if I told you that Dr. Hal Bradley was recruited by the Mexican drug cartel from the age of 15 to become one of the top drug smugglers of cocaine in the entire United States? It’s true, and the story he shares is almost unbelievable. In his new book, Crisis Victory, Dr. Bradley explains his personal step-by-step formula for transcending any crisis in life…for him there were many.     We all experience various crisis’s throughout our lives, and with guidance, and the proper tools, we do gain the strength and courage to learn and grow from the experience. Dr. Bradley will teach you how to reshape your consciousness, and mindset, to transform your life and overcome the crisis.     Currently, he holds a doctorate in Pastoral Counseling, a Master’s in Metaphysics, a former US Army Veteran, and a certified Hospice Counselor. Robin Jillian talks with Dr. Bradley about his struggles, and how he transformed his life by serving others, and the amazing rewards when we are willing to become more than we thought we could be.     Learn more about Awaken Radio at

044: Into the Nothing: A Spiritual Autobiography by Gabriel Cousins, M.D.

What does it mean to be a Spiritual Warrior? Courage, Fearlessness, and Faith play an essential role. Dr. Cousins explains that the purpose of life is to know ourselves as spiritual beings. The importance of aligning our sense of self with God (source, universal energy, spirit) is the path to raising our level of awareness…waking up if you will.   All roads in this life lead us to ultimately knowing more about who we truly are as spiritual beings living in a human body, whether we are aware of it or not. Asking the right questions is extremely important and it is in the recognition that we are not victims of life that will set us free to be co-creators in our lives. All of life is a teacher.   Doctor Cousins and Robin Jillian discuss the various aspects of life that can help us to find our way. His new book “Into The Nothing: A Spiritual Autobiography,” includes page after page of guidance and wisdom. There are amazing teachings on each page that will open up your eyes and enlighten your soul.   He openly shares his personal, and heartfelt journey, which will assist you in coming to profound awareness.   Learn more about Awaken Radio at

043: The Ten Terrains of Consciousness…book of the same name by Allen David Reed and Tahnee Wolf

Have you ever wondered why you seem to immediately connect with some people? Without knowing really anything about each other, you immediately connect and feel a sense of knowing where each other are coming from. It is as though you see the world through the same lens.   Allen and Tahnee have studied these 10 fundamental operating systems running on our planet. They present material which explains that all our thoughts, beliefs, values, choices, and behaviors are related to the level of consciousness, which is our basic ‘operating system’ if you will.   During Robin Jillian’s interview, you will discover how to understand yourself better, understand other people better through recognizing how your specific terrain sees the world…thereby offering guidance as to how you relate to your world, and how you are evolving. The two core assumptions that David and Tahnee make are:   1.  That this is an intelligent, conscious, self-aware universe   2.  We are all expressions of the One infinite and immortal consciousness   The awareness of this system is not about comparing yourself to others… no one is less than or better, but rather, helps you to navigate your life as you become more self-aware and more in touch with how and why others think and behave the way they do. You become more adept at determining what you need, and perhaps more compassionate of other people in the process.   Learn more about Awaken Radio at

042: Perfect – A Path to Love, Forgiveness, and Transformation (book of the same name by Judi Miller) with Robin Jillian

Sometimes in life, we experience fears that we do not understand. Our lives are limited as, over time, we become identified with the stories we tell ourselves around the fear. Often not feeling as though we are good enough or deserving of real happiness. This translates as blocks to our ability to see the truth of who we really are. We adjust to living a life that doesn’t feel as if it belongs to us. We are so heavily conditioned to what our life ‘should’ look like that we continue to live in a way that really isn’t the life we want to live nor what we are destined for…that allows for personal creativity and freedom to be who we really are. The universe provides “opportunities” or chances for real soul growth and transformation if you are willing and receptive to hear the calling of your soul for greater expansion and awareness. This is a journey of self-discovery through the heart…the greatest journey of all that you can take in your lifetime.   Judi Miller has been on such a journey and shares with you, during this honest and compelling interview, what it means to discover your own self-love and ability to change your life living in joy.      Learn more about Awaken Radio at

041: The Courage to Change Everything with Ken D. Foster and Robin Jillian

What is courage? Why do we need courage? Courage is an essential element in order to live a fulfilled and happy life, for it allows us a sense of personal empowerment that is essential for making changes in our life. We oftentimes get caught up in the fear and the past emotional stories we have been living with.   It is hard to let go of our emotional blueprints, but if looked at as an adventure to our own personal development and investment in our joy then we have the opportunity to become more than what we thought we could be. We become heroes to ourselves, and our life takes on much more meaning.      We have been taught to think of courage as the fireman who pulls the baby out of the burning building, and that takes a special kind of courage, conviction, and dedication to life that is to be truly admired and respected. However, there is also another kind of courage and that is to be able to look deeply into ourselves and question the way we think and live.  Looking deeply into our own thoughts and behaviors is very scary indeed, and the hardest ‘work’ we will ever do in life.     Today, Ken D. Foster and Robin Jillian discuss the different aspects of courage, why we need courage, and some practical tips on developing courage so we can make the changes we want to make in our life that ultimately bring us much more happiness as we develop greater strength and courage within ourselves.     Learn more about Awaken Radio at

040: “Unbounded – Journey to Your Within” w/ book of the same name by Author Aaron McCormick with Robin Jillian

We all are born with a sense of connectedness to life. Even as a toddler, you will notice how the choice for happiness is always in the forefront of needs. That sounds pretty easy, but why is it that we cannot maintain this sense of joy throughout our life?   Aaron McCormick and Robin discuss why we come into this life, and the soul’s purpose to rediscover its unbounded nature. We are born in a specific physical form and environment for a reason and a purpose. Life teaches us through placing challenges that we must overcome as a way of spiritual ‘weight living.’ Aaron explains that we need these weighty obstacles in our path to make us stronger and stretch us beyond our current self-imposed limitations.   How are they self-imposed?  Because we buy into the conditioning of our culture, parents, environment, and fears that the ‘gravity’ of life presents to us. We do have a choice on how to respond, but often times we don’t know that…thus the journey to your within.   Aaron shares with listeners about his young struggles and the wisdom he gained along the way. Robin and Aaron are here to remind you with compassion and love why you have the opportunity to live an unbounded life.   Learn more about Awaken Radio at

039: How Thoughts Become Things with Doug Vermeeren/Filmmaker/movie of the same title with Robin Jillian

How do your thoughts affect the way you live your life? Are you settling for a life that isn’t making you happy? Robin discusses with Doug Vermeeren, producer of the new film “How Thoughts Become Things,” how we can improve our life by changing our habits, opening up to new ideas of self-inquiry, and bringing the “right” people into our life that will help us and support us on our path to greater freedom and joy in our life. What stories are you creating in your life that do not serve who you wish to become? The keyword here is “becoming”… who do you want to be? Together we will look at some of the important concepts to create the life you deserve.   Learn more about Awaken Radio at


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