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Tag: better self

William Damon — The Importance of a “Life Review”

With the perspective of age, many of us find ourselves looking back at our lives and asking questions such as “was my life a good life? Did I make good choices? What are my regrets?” In his new book “A Round of Golf With My Father”, William Damon illustrates the life review by describing his journey to uncover the hidden story of his father, whom he never met and knew almost nothing about until a sudden recent discovery. Find out more at: or

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Ep – 236 Jay Abraham

 In this episode I speak with Jay Abraham, one of the world’s foremost nonlinear strategic/critical thinkers who has increased the bottom lines of more than 10,000 clients in more than 1000 industries whose wakeup call was realizing he had an insatiable curiosity about all things business and beyond and an uncanny ability to connect dots that turned into huge returns for companies.

Ep – 235 Ruth Gotian

In this episode I speak with Ruth Gotian, Chief Learning Officer and Assistant Professor of Education in Anesthesiology and former Assistant Dean of Mentoring and Executive Director of the Mentoring Academy at Weill Cornell Medicine, Thinkers50 Radar List awardee and author of the upcoming book, “The Success Factor,” whose wakeup call was noticing the commonalities that highly successful people have ranging from Nobel laureates to astronauts to MD/PhDs that she worked closely and her wanting to make those attributes available to anyone who wants to succeed.

Yvonne Heath — We Live in a Grief Phobic Society–#Just Show Up

In her nursing career, Yvonne Heath witnessed our grief-phobic society first hand and how our reluctance to talk about, plan and prepare for grief, death and dying causes excessive suffering personally, professionally in life, and at the end of life. She believes that when we learn to talk about and plan for grief and life’s challenges something amazing happens. We live more fully and we suffer less at the end of our life. Our loved ones and workplaces suffer less and are able to move through their grief. Find out more:

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Debby Waldman Encore — “How Covid-19 and Power Tools Helped Heal My Relationship With My Son”

Special Episode for Suicide Prevention Week:
Debby Waldman is a writer and ex-pat American who has lived in Edmonton, Alberta, since 1992. We were knitting buddies in New Haven, Connecticut in the mid-1980s when she was a newspaper reporter there, but we lost touch until recently, when a mutual friend sent me her New York Times essay, “How Covid-19 and Power Tools Helped Heal My Relationship With My Son”:

The essay is in part about how the pandemic gave her a chance to pursue a long-time dream, to learn woodworking, but it’s also about another step in her journey to understand and come to grips with her family’s legacy of mental illness. She has recently completed a draft of a memoir about the effects of the secrets and silence that surrounded the suicide of her father, a Reform rabbi, when she was 13. Learn more at

Check out for an innovative app that supports mental health.

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