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Tag: Christian

Jodi Carlton on the Differences Between AS and NPD

Stephanie and Dan interview ND Couples’ Coach, Jodi Carlton. Part 1 of a 2 part series looks at the differences and cross-over features of AS and NPD. This can be very controversial, but it is important for clinicians and pastors, and spouses to know the differences between NeuroDiversity and Personality Disorders, such as Narcissism.

About Jodi Carlton:
I was licensed as a professional counselor for 20+ years before I transitioned to full-time coaching. In addition to my expertise in autism/Aspergers, I am trauma-informed and certified in Accelerated Resolution Therapy as well as hypnosis. I also have extensive experience with anxiety-related challenges and acquired/ traumatic brain injury (ABI/TBI).

You can find out more about Jodi at spectrum

Rob Lohman…. I am NOT a Rubbberband

Why in the world would I say “I am NOT a rubber band anymore……”…
Well, let’s chat about:
What is a rubber band?
What is a bungee chord?
What is self-sabotage?
What is feeling defeated?
What is Living forward!
What is NEW Identity!
Tune in on this episode on the Addiction, Freedom & Faith podcast!

Make sure to Stay Connected with Rob during the week via any of the below social media platforms:

Twitter: @RobLohman
Instagram: @roblohmanliftedfromtherut
YouTube: Rob Lohman Broadcasts
Phone: 970-331-4469
Click here to schedule Rob Lohman as a Guest on your show

Does Understanding NeuroDiversity Really Matter?

Grace and Stephanie discuss helping couples to gain a better understanding of who they each are, who their partner is, and how their neurological differences affect their relationship.
Understanding the differences in neurology is crucial for anyone from coaches, ministers to counselors. Additional training and coursework are needed to better understand this couple’s differences.

If you want to learn more about NeuroDiverse Christian Couples from a faith-based perspective please check out
Module 1, an 11-hour course of a several module series is available at:

About Grace:
Grace Myhill, MSW. AANE Director of The Peter M. Friedman Neurodiverse Couples Institute, AANE Director of Couples and Partners Services, and Neurodiverse Couples Coach in private practice.

Grace’s Approach:
Working with neurodiverse couples in which one partner has an Asperger’s/Autism Spectrum Profile is my specialty. I understand the unique strengths and the challenges
that come with these relationships. We cannot change our neurologies, but I can help couples to gain a better understanding of who they each are, who their partner is, and
how their neurological differences affect their relationship.

My approach is to first help couples understand the importance of neurology and what it means to be a neurodiverse couple. This includes getting to know how you and your
partner each think and perceive the world. I help couples identify how their neurological similarities and differences affect the dynamics and interaction of their relationship.

Together we can identify areas for skill-building and problem-solving. There are several ways you can work with me: individually, together with your partner, or in a group. We can meet by phone or video conferencing.

For more information visit my website or email or call me 617-504-3116.

Grace works with various types of relationships and partnerships.

Her website is

Dr. Neil Anderson Freedom In Christ and Victory Over The Darkness

Dr. Neil Anderson CHANGED my life forever as I dove into his writings, his books, and his Freedom in Christ Ministry!

Dr. Neil T. Anderson was an aerospace engineer before entering the ministry. He has five earned degrees including two doctorates and was formerly chairman of the Practical Theology Department at Talbot School of Theology.  He is the Founder and President Emeritus of Freedom in Christ Ministries, which has offices in 35 countries. He has authored or coauthored over seventy books including Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker, which have both sold over two million copies worldwide.

Learn more about Dr. Anderson via the below links:

Make sure to Stay Connected with Rob during the week via any of the below social media platforms:

Twitter: @RobLohman
Instagram: @roblohmanliftedfromtherut
YouTube: Rob Lohman Broadcasts
Phone: 970-331-4469

Interview with Sheila Gregoire, Great Sex Rescue Part 2

Sheila Wray Gregoire is the face behind, the largest single-blogger marriage blog. A sought-after speaker, she’s also an award-winning author of nine books, including The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex. Sheila has a Master’s in Public Administration and a Master of Arts in Sociology both from Queen’s University. Sheila built the successful blog, To Love, Honor, and Vacuum, with traffic of one million page views a month. Her email list is 45,000 strong and her social media reach is over 100,000. Her podcast, Bare Marriage, has more than 5,000 downloads each week. She is an award-winning author with seven royalty-published books. A sought-after speaker, Sheila has spoken at churches and conferences around the globe. She is a frequent contributor at Family Life Canada events. Her latest book, “The Great Sex Rescue” was featured in the New York Times Book Review, Publishers Weekly, and The Washington Post. She has bylines at Religion News Service, Relevant Magazine, and other news sources. Sheila and her husband Keith, a pediatrician, live in Belleville Ontario. They have two grown daughters and one very adorable grandson who lives down the road. She enjoys hiking, birdwatching, RV camping trips, and board games. And she knits – even in line at the grocery store.

Helping the Family Heal from Addiction with Heather Gaffney of Full Family Recovery

Heather Gaffney discusses Helping the Family Heal from Addiction.

Heather Gaffney is a certified Family Peer Recovery Coach as well as a Certified Recovery
Coach. She works with families that have been impacted by addiction as well as individuals who
are seeking recovery for substance use disorder.

Heather received her training through The Partnership to End Addiction as well as The Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery. She has also lived with the family dynamics of alcoholism and addiction to one degree or another all her life.

She has been clean and sober for over 31 years, her mother has been sober for over 32 years and
her husband has been sober for over 27 years. She and her husband now also have a young
adult son with over a year clean and sober. She has experienced first hand what drugs and
alcohol can do to the person who is using substances as well as to the family living with the devastation they bring.

?Heather spent years working on herself to heal from the habits, patterns and personality issues
that addiction caused in her own life and she went through training in order to help families and
individuals that are struggling with the impact of substance abuse.

Alcoholism and Addiction from any perspective is overwhelming and it can be a nightmare for the
family and the individuals suffering to know what steps to take. Heather’s hope is to help people find the care, support and encouragement they need as they learn new ways of coping.
Follow Along: Facebook /Instagram


Make sure to Stay Connected with Rob during the week via any of the below social media platforms:

Twitter: @RobLohman
Instagram: @roblohmanliftedfromtherut
YouTube: Rob Lohman Broadcasts
Phone: 970-331-4469

Hope Wins with Leisa Williams

Today the podcast is brought to you by our sponsor, Autism Spectrum Resources for Marriage & Family, LLC. Join Dr. Holmes as she interviews the author of Hope Wins! Leisa Williams.

Leisa was born in 1971 and brought up in Queensland, Australia.  She lives in Canberra with her husband, her three children, and her daughter-in-law.
She writes from her heart about her life experiences that have come from the school of hard knocks.  Her views are tried and tested from many years of working to overcome adversity in her life as well as being founded on her Christian biblical faith, the wise counsel and support from healthcare professionals, and her educational background, which includes a Master of Education degree.
Hope Wins is her first book that links to a devotional series for women called Seeds for Growth.

Please check her book and what others are saying about her book, Hope Wins!
Book Promo at 1080P resolution

Book Reviews (about 3min)

You can find out more about Leisa at

Find the book on Amazon pre-orders are now open.
The first week there is a big discount on the e-book hoping for some Amazon reviews.

Interview with Sheila Gregoire, Great Sex Rescue Part 1

Join Stephanie and Dan as they interview co-authors, Sheila Gregoire and Rebecca Lindenbach, of the new book, The Great Sex Rescue. The discussion will start on things taught in Christian media that have been harmful or helpful to Christian couples, and tie in how someone with black and white thinking could certainly misinterpret the information for greater harm to the marriage. This podcast is crucial for ministers and Christian people helpers to know what research and data have to say about the best-selling Christian books that are often used as resources in counseling by ministers or counselors.

About Sheila:
Sheila Wray Gregoire is the face behind, the largest single-blogger marriage blog. A sought-after speaker, she’s also an award-winning author of nine books, including The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex. Sheila has a Master’s in Public Administration and a Master of Arts in Sociology both from Queen’s University. Sheila built the successful blog, To Love, Honor, and Vacuum, with traffic of one million page views a month. Her email list is 45,000 strong and her social media reach is over 100,000. Her podcast, Bare Marriage, has more than 5,000 downloads each week. She is an award-winning author with seven royalty-published books. A sought-after speaker, Sheila has spoken at churches and conferences around the globe. She is a frequent contributor at Family Life Canada events. Her latest book, “The Great Sex Rescue” was featured in the New York Times Book Review, Publishers Weekly, and The Washington Post. She has bylines at Religion News Service, Relevant Magazine, and other news sources. Sheila and her husband Keith, a pediatrician, live in Belleville Ontario. They have two grown daughters and one very adorable grandson who lives down the road. She enjoys hiking, birdwatching, RV camping trips, and board games. And she knits – even in line at the grocery store.

Mind Blindness and Remorse and Repair with Mark Hutten

Join Dr. Holmes as she talks about NeuroDiverse Relationship with counseling psychologist, Mark Hutten, MA. Mark has twenty-plus years of counseling experience and has worked with a broad age range of individuals on the autism spectrum. He offers online parent support and counseling and is the author of the e-book Living with an Asperger Partner. Today’s segment will discuss Remorse & Repair and the Lack Thereof.


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