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Tag: colorism

Black Men, the Uneven Playing Field and Mental Health — Perspectives from a Former NFL Player: Interview with Dwight Hollier | Episode 63

Mass incarceration, police brutality, and systemic racism are just some of the trauma and injustice many Black men face every day. In this podcast I have a difficult conversation during a heavy time with former NFL player Dwight Hollier about his story of living through tough times, how many benefit from the positive psychology of sport, and the four pillars of strength needed for total wellness.

About Dwight Hollier
Dwight Hollier B&W.png
Dwight Hollier played as an NFL linebacker for eight years for the Miami Dolphins and one year for the Indiana Colts. After he retired he earned a counseling degree (LPC) and served as the VP for Wellness and Clinical Services for the NFL supporting player engagement and total wellness. Today he is the Senior Associate Athletic Director for the University of North Carolina overseeing student athlete health and well-being. for more information on this episode go to

116 – Dr. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza – Activist Theology and Dismantling Supremacy Culture

“I hope that my work speaks from the scars and not the wounds.” ~Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, PhD

Revolutions take work. The movement to dismantle supremacy culture rightly demands that much of the work be done off-camera, by those who benefit most from its proliferation. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, PhD engages those willing to do the requisite heavy lifting through stories (and, sometimes, food). 

As a queer activist, Latinx scholar, and public theologian, they stand at the intersections of systemic analysis and lived experience. As a white-passing person of color, they move through the world with the same power, access, and privilege afforded to those who’ve set the ground rules for centuries.

Robyn invites white people to get dirty, to sit with our defenses and explore our tacit acceptance of supremacy culture. Only then, they say, can we join forces and begin to heal our world. “I think the work of coming together is our work…It’s an ethics of togetherness because if we are together in a practice of being human with one another, we can actually reshape our democracy.”

The revolution is here. Are you in?



Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, PhD has been described in a myriad of ways: a scholar-activist, scholar-leader, thought-leader, teacher, public theologian, ethicist, poet of moral reason, and word artist. Among these ways of describing Dr. Robyn, they are also a visionary thinker who has spent two decades working in the hybrid space of church, academy, & movements seeking to not only disrupt but dismantle supremacy culture by focusing their PhD studies on new concepts of being & becoming, decolonizing knowledge production, & bridging with radical difference. They enflesh a deep hope of collaborating in these hybrid spaces where their work seeks to contribute to the ongoing work of collective liberation.  Activist Theology as a disciplinary off-shoot of liberation theology & Movement idea has been incubating since 2008 with Dr. Robyn and further developed throughout their doctoral program and engagement with Movement leaders.  Now, Activist Theology has the chance to emerge as a collaborative project.  Dr. Robyn was named 1 of 10 Faith Leaders to watch by the Center for American Progress in 2018.  As a scholar-activist, Dr. Robyn is committed to translating theory to action, so that our work in the hybrid spaces reflect the deep spiritual work of transforming self to transforming the world. Dr. Robyn writes & creates both academic & other valuable resources, including digital resources. Dr. Robyn is a non-binary Transqueer Latinx who calls Nashville, TN home.


For full show notes, guest information, and resources, visit:


Conversations with a Wounded Healer is a proud member of @mhnrnetwork.

Let’s be friends! You can find me in the following places…









Sarah’s virtual speaking gigs:

Tuesday, June 16, 1pm Central  

New Hampshire Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors Association – The Wounded Healer

Black Lives Matter: Hope & Unity; A Christian Perspective

We are at a divisive time in our nation. Learning how to help bridge the gap, the hurt and frustration as a white American holds tremendous significance for me. Today’s episode is about listening, learning and doing better as a human race.
My guest today, Art Butler, is a black American with a passion for service, pouring out the love of Christ in both action and word as well as breaking down barriers in some spectacular ways.
Art has served both State-Side and abroad with mission-minded charitable organizations for over 30 years. He is a leader, minister and true ambassador of goodness. God is using him to do amazing things in the lives of others and his heart is evident through today’s episode.
Art’s book, Focused: Understanding the Genius of God in Our Weakness, will be released in 2021 and will be available in bookstores and amazon. Check it out!

Follow Art’s literary work on

Interested in learning more about one of Art’s favorite outreach programs that’s connecting young people to meaningful employment? Check out CoPassion at

ST Podcast Ep. 55: We Stand With The Resistance. Black Lives Matter

ST Podcast Ep. 55: We Stand With The Resistance. Black Lives Matter

“The opposite of a hero is not a villain. It’s a bystander”

-Matt Langdon (Founder of The Hero Construction Company)

On this episode, Dr. Scarlet and Dustin discuss and condemn the systematic racism and police brutality ravaging our world. The senseless death of George Floyd along with so many other black individuals has got to stop. Enough is enough. This is our call to stand up for change and equality. This is our call to aid members of our community who are dying and need our help. We see you. We support. We stand with you. Black Lives Matter.

Derrick Dawson – Dismantling Racism Re-release

~We decided to re-release this episode because we couldn’t think of a better voice to head during this time. We have chosen to mute ourselves and support #amplifymelanatedvoices through June 7th. 

“We have inherited a system and there’s nothing we can do about it except acknowledge that and dismantle it. But if we don’t acknowledge it, then we are actually maintaining [it].” ~Derrick Dawson

A conversation that eloquently connects the dots between capitalism and systemic racism? Straight talk about our American way of life and the foundation of white supremacy upon which it was built? Yes, please, to both! 

Derrick Dawson, co-program coordinator of the Regional Organizing for Anti-Racism, aka Chicago Roar, sheds light on the myriad ways white supremacy continues to fester and flourish. Using the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic as metaphor and proving ground, Derrick hits our collective compliance with his high-powered truth rays. He exposes us to the vicious strategies employed by corporations and power-brokers hell-bent on destroying our relationship to our planet, our communities, and ourselves. Once you see the light, I guarantee you won’t be able to look away.  

Derrick Dawson is a member of the AntiRacism Commission of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, and served as its Co-Chair for three years. He is the Training Manager at the Chicago law firm of Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum & Nagelberg in Chicago, and is a graduate student and teaching assistant in English Composition at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago. Derrick was also a broadcaster and journalist in the United States Navy, where he served for eight years on ships in Asia and the Pacific.


For more information about antiracism resources, this is an excellent, though not exhaustive list: 


7 Virtual Mental Health Resources Supporting Black People Right Now


If you’d like to support other black healers who’ve appeared on this show you can listen to the following episodes and support their work:

Monika Black – 110

Lauren McBride – 98

Jade T. Perry – 66

Lisa Lackey – 58

Mishara Winston – 53

Jamila Kekulah Kinney – 38

VersAnnette Blackman – 34

For full show notes, more episodes, guest information, and resources, visit:

Conversations with a Wounded Healer is a proud member of @mhnrnetwork.

Let’s be friends! You can find me in the following places…









Sarah’s virtual speaking gig:

Tuesday, June 16, 1pm Central  

New Hampshire Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors Association – The Wounded Healer

Recognizing Narcissistic Contempt: Nasty Ways Hijackals Demean, Dismiss & Discount You.

You know that look, that jerky look of superiority that #Hijackals give you? I call it The Hijackal Smirk. It’s that look of disdain, disrespect, and “I’m superior and you are a fool” that Hijackals are infamous for. Got it? Contempt is lethal, hurtful, demoralizing, and a much deeper emotion that fleeting ones that we all have during the day. It is more complex. Contempt is the opposite of empathy and compassion. Contempt actually invalidates others: suggests that they have no good right to take up space or draw breath except to do my bidding. Have you ever felt that from your partner, parent, ex, or sibling? That’s contempt. I like the great thought that Tim Otten put into his paper for Tilburg University on “Conceptualizing Contempt.” His final conclusion for a definition of contempt was: “[Contempt is] a negative feeling with a downward social comparison wherein one feels superior and judges the other as inferior. One thinks of the other as incompetent, worthless, and one has no respect or appreciation for the other. This goes accompanied by behavior aimed to socially exclude and derogate the other.” YUCK! You don’t deserve to be treated that way. If this sounds at all familiar, let’s talk soon and sort this out. (P.S. Your kids deserve a better model, too. right?) Big hugs!RhobertaHIGHLIGHTS OF TODAY’S EPISODE:Why contempt is lethal, hurtful and demoralizingHow to recognize contemptHow disgust, anger, disdain, and disrespect add up to contemptContempt can include irrational responses to other groups of peopleContempt is constant underlying hostilityThe Gottman Institute, 1993 – “Contempt is the best predictor of divorce.” Find out why. Contempt can be linked to racism and prejudice7 Ways Hijackals Treat You With Contempt – Recognize these? Want clarity, insights, strategies, and support from me, Dr. Rhoberta Shaler? We can talk: Introductory session for new clients, $97CONNECT WITH ME: I invite you to like my pages and follow for further help with recognizing toxic relationships, realizing their impact, realigning your life, and recovering your self-confidence and ability to love and trust again.FOLLOW DR. SHALER…WEBSITE: https://www.ForRelationshipHelp.comPODCASThttp://www.SaveYourSanityPodcast.comFACEBOOK————————————————————-I WANT TO HELP YOU FIGURE OUT WHAT’S GOING ON AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT!If you want to learn more, share, ask questions, and feel more powerful within yourself and your relationships. Join my Support Circles now.Off social media, safe discussion + videos + articles + webinars + personal home study program + group Saturday Support Calls with me.WOW! Join now. Dr. Shaler’s Relationship Help Circles. 50% off your first month. . Safely off social media.———————————————————————-#narcissisticcontempt #narcissistcontempt #mypartnerdemeansme #mypartnerputsmedown #lowselfesteem #lackofselfconfidence #meanpartner #nastypartner #contemptuousbehavior #hijackalcontempt #whatiscontempt #howcontemptshowsup #savemysanity #saveyoursanity #relationshipadvice #tipsforrelationships #Hijackals #toxicpeople #mentalhealthmatters #MHNRNetwork #RhobertaShaler #narcissists #borderlines #antisocial #difficultpeople #emotionalabuse #verbalabuse #stoptoleratingabuse #toxicrelationships #manipulation #walkingoneggshells #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #abuse #narcissisticabuse #boundaries #personalitydisorder #difficultpeople #journorequest #prrequest  See for privacy and opt-out information.

The UNNI Podcast – w/ Brandon Johnson

“I’m Angry. I’m Hurt. This Is Difficult.”

Brandon Johnson MHW from Baltimore City, U.S., joins the UNNI Podcast Guest list. Brandon shares his passion for prevention work in Faith-Based Communities, Black Communities, and the empowerment of young people. Host Bianca McCall doesn’t hold back, while asking the tough questions — How does the Black Community achieve health and wellness, when there is such a disparity in health equity? How does the Black Community maintain hope, when many are repeatedly traumatized, with almost daily view of racially-motivated murders; by police, and other bigoted groups of people? Brandon shares valuable resources for all who are done “watching” and ready to act in a way which promotes unity and incentivized wellness for survivors with lived experience.

Conscious Parenting Revolution : Katherine Winter-Sellery

Katherine Winter-Sellery
‘A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind’
Growing up in a blended family has given me a unique insight into the challenges children face. I grew up with a sister Melanie and brother Chris from my mom’s previous marriage and a sister, Nancy, on my father’s side. As well as my sister Heidi from their marriage.

Spending my early years growing up in New Orleans, Louisiana, in America’s Deep South, I saw first hand the racism and division that was polluting that part of the US. My father, an entrepreneur, decided to move us to Colorado. We moved several times so he could work on his businesses. Meanwhile, my mother was very independent. My lively upbringing and family dynamic enabled me to see as a child. You need to be seen and heard.
It was when I was 16, I lost my brother Chris to suicide. This devastating event impacted all of our family. And looking back, it also sewed the seeds for my drive to look at how children and parents can learn to communicate in a different dynamic. I could see the relationship my mother had with my brother, and his struggles were connected. His relationship with my dad, his step-father, was not healthy. And it set me on the…………

To learn more about Katherine, visit

To learn more about Rob Lohman, visit

112 – Derrick Dawson – Dismantling Racism

“We have inherited a system and there’s nothing we can do about it except acknowledge that and dismantle it. But if we don’t acknowledge it, then we are actually maintaining [it].” ~Derrick Dawson

A conversation that eloquently connects the dots between capitalism and systemic racism? Straight talk about our American way of life and the foundation of white supremacy upon which it was built? Yes, please, to both! 

Derrick Dawson, co-program coordinator of the Regional Organizing for Anti-Racism, aka Chicago Roar, sheds light on the myriad ways white supremacy continues to fester and flourish. Using the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic as metaphor and proving ground, Derrick hits our collective compliance with his high-powered truth rays. He exposes us to the vicious strategies employed by corporations and power-brokers hell-bent on destroying our relationship to our planet, our communities, and ourselves. Once you see the light, I guarantee you won’t be able to look away.  

Derrick C. Dawson is Co-Program Coordinator for Chicago Regional Organizing for Antiracism (Chicago ROAR), and an organizer and trainer for Crossroads Antiracism Organizing & Training. He is also an ADA 25 Advancing Leadership 2020 Fellow.  He served on the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, and served several terms as Co-Chair of the Antiracism Commission of the Chicago Diocese. Before becoming an antiracism organizer and trainer, Derrick served in the United States Navy as a broadcaster and journalist in the Pacific, and worked for over 20 years as a corporate trainer for major law firms in Chicago. He studied English and Linguistics at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago where he received a Bachelor’s degree.

Conversations with a Wounded Healer is a proud member of @mhnrnetwork.

Let’s be friends! You can find me in the following places…









Sarah’s virtual speaking gigs:

Wednesday, June 3, 11am Central  

Illinois Higher Education Center – Trauma and Substance Abuse


Tuesday, June 16, 1pm Central  

New Hampshire Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors Association – The Wounded Healer


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