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Tag: Craig Lewis

Mental Health News Radio: An Interview with Craig Lewis, CPS

Craig Lewis, CPS is our honored guest on Mental Health News Radio.  Please enjoy his blog article My Inner Human.  We are excited to promote his advocacy in the mental health field.


Craig, Can you give us a brief history of your life up until age 14?

I grew up in Randolph, Massachusetts, a town right outside of Boston.  I struggled in school and socially. My family life was quite dysfunctional however I did not realize this until much later on in my life. I was raised Jewish and embraced Judaism (I am an atheist now). I went to summer camp every summer and from ages 11 -14, I went to sleepover camp which I did not enjoy or like. I played in the school band, played soccer and listened to music, mostly metal, with the few friends I had.  I was becoming increasingly unhappy and exhibiting dysfunctional behaviors and I now know that that was trauma, and not a condition that required medication, institutionalization and labeled with a diagnosis.

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