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Tag: death of a partner

Facebook Live: Life Prior to Widowhood and the Value of Appreciation

Welcome to the first ever episode of the Widow Walking Forward podcast! On today’s episode, Lisa Joy introduces the format and goals for the podcast. She also, in part two, begins to share her life prior to becoming a widow, and the valuable lessons on the importance of intuition and appreciation she learned along the way. The two parts to this episode are recorded from a Facebook Live on the Widow Walking Forward Facebook page in September of 2018.
For more content from Lisa, visit the Facebook Page for Widow Walking Forward. Here she posts uplifting and inspiring messages to keep you going through the day!!

Widow Walking Forward Trailer

Lisa Joy has been a widow for three years, and it is now her mission to teach lessons on moving forward after losing a spouse. Derived from personal experience, intuition, and love, Lisa is dedicated to bringing topics and themes that are sure to inspire. Come join Lisa Joy as she moves grief through the darkness and to the light!
Listen to the first two episodes on January 24th. 


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