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Brain Hijack


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What is Brain Hijack?

Science to Practice in Suicide Prevention

This series features interviews with experts in the field of mental health and suicide prevention. Topics range from understanding the best overall approach to prevent suicide to how to help someone who is going through a tough time in their life. Disclaimer: The views, opinions and endorsements expressed in each podcast episode are those of the host and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Mental Health News Radio Network.

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Disenfranchised Grief: Death of Friends

Michael Anthony, from Indiana, grew up knowing nothing but physical abuse, neglect, poverty and pessimism. Somehow, in spite of his mistreatment and being surrounded with resignation and despair he knew he was not broken . Then a “mirror moment” changed his life. This self-made man tells us about his journey out of chaos and of his desire to inspire others to do the same.

Regaining Control Over OCD

Jenn talks to Dr. Jason Krompinger. Jason discusses various forms of treatment for OCD, ways to regain and maintain control over OCD, and myths about treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder.

Jason Krompinger, PhD, is a clinical psychologist with expertise in treating OCD and related disorders. He serves as director of Psychological Services and Clinical Research at McLean’s Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Institute. In his role at the OCD Institute, he serves as the director of the training program, supervising students, post-doctoral fellows, and early career psychologists in the delivery of empirically based interventions.


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The McLean Hospital podcast Mindful Things is intended to provide general information and to help listeners learn about mental health, educational opportunities, and research initiatives. This podcast is not an attempt to practice medicine or to provide specific medical advice.

© 2021 McLean Hospital. All Rights Reserved.

Marriage to High Level Narcissist – From Dream Come True to Nightmare Scenario

You were chosen by the high level narcissist because you fit his/her specifications as the perfect partner.  You are bright, socially savvy, quite attractive, magnetic, empathic. You shimmer inside and out. You make people feel comfortable; they trust you. 

The early years were inspired by a kind of beautiful scent, a magic elixir. You found the high level enchanting and compelling. Bright, very attractive, in command of himself and others, you said Yes to tis irresistible promise of having your dreams and wishes fulfilled. 

When you look back now you remember the clues, the signs, the giveaways that were telling you that this person was disingenuous, a gifted liar, a double dealer, an unrepentant manipulator and exploiter. 

Now after many years of psychological and emotional abuse, too many ugly wrenching scenes, abandonment, you are coming to a point of decision.

Each day you feel a bit more tired, dragging yourself around, forcing yourself by will and guilt to perform in your work and personal life. 

Your body is lethargic and heavy feeling; your energy is sapped, your thoughts are gloomy even morose, an endless loop. At night you dread the sleep that will not come. And when it does you are subject to horrific nightmares.

You are being contacted by your deepest self, making every effort to get your attention through powerful dream images… Dreams are messengers from the unconscious, the fountain of wisdom

This is a time of awakening a time for you to practice self regard and the care of your psychological, emotional, physical and spiritual health. 

Get the rest and sleep that you need. If you have problems sleeping, rest. Be unjudgmental about any difficulty sleeping. Resting is a powerful way to relaxation, calmness, acceptance and love for self, good nutrition, quality hydration, movement and exercise, stretching, basic yoga poses, walking, dancing, Nature, expanding your creativity in every form it takes for you. A spiritual practice, meditation and prayer the way you define this. Be unjudgmental and kind with yourself.

You feel the power and energy of your authentic original self as you move forward along your unique pathways.

Understanding the Identity Factor Is the Key to Moving Forward – TPS482

Just like everything else, your self-concept is a habit that affects all of your decisions. Protecting your identity often keeps you from moving forward. In this episode, I talk about The Identity Factor and how you can move past the restraints put on you as you try to keep yourself safe.


Definition of The Identity Factor: A mechanism that kicks in – subconsciously – whenever you try to make a significant internal change that will affect your self-concept and your position in the world. There’s a fear that if you make these changes, it will lead to your being alone and alienated.
I talk about the behavioral effects of The Identity Factor.
Common among successful people is that they never feel satisfied. So learning to be satisfied is a threat to who they perceive themselves to be – even though they understand that learning to be satisfied could make them more comfortable.
We are programmed to always want more, which keeps us unsatisfied.
If you have a habit of feeling alone, learning to feel connected can be a threat to your identity.
It is perfectly natural to resist major changes to how you have been. It’s easier for younger people than for older people.
Are you willing to look at who you have been so you can decide who you want to be?
It takes courage to let people know who you really are.
For your life to change, you have to change.
The more adept you are at change, the better your life will be – even though those periods of change can be uncomfortable.
To become naturally prosperous – where you really feel rich – you need to look at many internal aspects of yourself and be willing to make changes.
Each person has a unique combination of things they have to work on to become more comfortable.
To be a full human being, we have to learn how to live in society and we get to choose how we want to do that and who we want to connect to.
Your external world is just a reflection of what’s going on inside of you.

The Rapid Money Energy Tuneup

What Happened to You? by Oprah Winfrey & Bruce D. Perry

Lori Sokol — She is Me: How Women Will Save the World

Lori Sokol is the Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief of Women’s eNews,
an award-winning non profit news organization that reports on the most crucial issues impacting women and girls around the world. She is also the author of the award-winning book, She Is Me: How Women Will Save The World. FInd out more at

Check out for an innovative app that supports mental health.

Find out more about the Zestful Aging Podcast at

Rob Lohman…. I am NOT a Rubbberband

Why in the world would I say “I am NOT a rubber band anymore……”…
Well, let’s chat about:
What is a rubber band?
What is a bungee chord?
What is self-sabotage?
What is feeling defeated?
What is Living forward!
What is NEW Identity!
Tune in on this episode on the Addiction, Freedom & Faith podcast!

Make sure to Stay Connected with Rob during the week via any of the below social media platforms:

Twitter: @RobLohman
Instagram: @roblohmanliftedfromtherut
YouTube: Rob Lohman Broadcasts
Phone: 970-331-4469
Click here to schedule Rob Lohman as a Guest on your show

Q & A on Sustainable Happiness

Great questions on cortisol, adrenaline, sex, bonding and 14 Days to Sustainable Happiness, with reader Kristen Helmstetter.

THE HAPPY BRAIN PODCAST helps you blaze new trails to your dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphin. My guests are pioneers in retraining the inner mammal. I love learning from them! Listen in and subscribe so you can blaze new trails to your happy chemicals too.

Your host, Loretta Breuning is founder of the Inner Mammal Institute and author of “Habits of a Happy Brain: Retrain your brain to boost your serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphin levels.”

Life is more peaceful and satisfying when you understand your inner mammal. Good feelings come from brain chemicals we’ve inherited from earlier mammals. They evolved to do a job, not to make you feel good all the time. When you know the job each chemical does in the state of nature, your ups and downs make sense. More important, you can re-wire yourself to enjoy more of them in sustainable ways.

It’s not easy, alas. Our brain is designed to release happy chemicals when you take steps that promote survival. But our brain defines survival in a quirky way: it cares about the survival of your genes and it relies on neural pathways built in youth. To make things even harder, our brain habituates to the rewards it has so you always have to do more to get more happy chemicals.

We are not born with survival skills like our animal ancestors. Each newborn human wires itself from its own early experience. Happy chemicals are like paving on your neural pathways, wiring you to repeat behaviors that made you feel good before. This is why our urgent motivations don’t make sense to our verbal brain. It’s not easy being mammal!

When you know how your brain works, you can find healthier ways to enjoy happy chemicals and relieve unhappy chemicals. You can build new neural pathways by feeding your brain new experiences. But you have to design the new experiences carefully and repeat them— a lot!

The Inner Mammal Institute has free resources to help you make peace with your inner mammal: videos, blogs, infographics, and podcasts. Dr. Breuning’s many books illuminate the big picture and help you plot your course. You can feel good in new ways, no matter where you are right now. Get the details at

Music from Sonatina Soleil by W.M. Sharp. Hear more of it at


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