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Tag: Dr. John Huber

Should You Still Be Friends With Your Ex On Social Media?

Featured Guest Cortney S. Warren, Ph.D.

Dr. Cortney S. Warren, Ph.D.As the child of two college professors, Cortney was raised in an academic environment. In addition to attaining a formal education in the classroom, she traveled extensively, getting a “real-world” education. Before the age of twenty, Cortney had lived in Australia and Argentina and traveled throughout Central America, South America, Russia, Scandinavia, and Western Europe. Exposed to a diversity of cultures and lifestyles from an early age, she was intrigued by the ways cultural and environmental conditions affected the psychological well-being of individuals, groups, and even entire societies.

Her interest in psychology and issues of cultural diversity took academic shape as an undergraduate at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota. Under the exceptional mentorship of Drs. Jaine Strauss (Macalester College) and Nancy C. Raymond (University of Minnesota), Cortney developed a strong interest in the cultural components of eating disorders, and undertook supporting research and clinical activities.

How To Deal With Difficult People

Study Finds Millennials Aren’t Ready For The ‘Reality Of Life’ & Suffer From Panic Attacks And Anxiety

A study of 2,000 would-be students found many aren’t prepared for university life

More than half of millennials don’t know how to pay a bill or the real costs of rent.

Researchers warned that prospect of leaving home is worrying many millennials

Around half are anxious at this prospect and 27 per cent are having panic attacks

Reflecting Questions

What do you think are some of the fundamental reasons why many millennials aren’t mentally prepared to deal with the real world?

Do you think that the “trophy just for participating” parenting style has done much more harm than good for millennials?


Featured Guest: Thomas Gagliano

Is there someone in your life who’s causing you stress & hair loss. Is there someone in your life who pushes your patience to the test? Today our featured guest will offer insight and advice on how to deal with difficult people.

Thomas Gagliano is a life coach, published author, and a key note speaker with a Master’s degree in social work. He was a bully as a kid and a recovering addict Tom is a regular on many radio networks and on the TBN television network. He is the best-selling author of “The Problem Was Me”, with Dr. Abraham Twerski, and “Don’t Put Your Crap in Your Kid’s Diaper: The clean up cost can last a lifetime.”

What Are The Mental Health Benefits of Reiki?

Are Smartphones Making Us Stupid? Study Reveals Smartphones Can Reduce Cognitive Capacity 

Cognitive capacity and overall brain power are significantly reduced when your smartphone is within glancing distance—even if it’s turned off and face down—according to a recent study. This new report from the University of Texas at Austin, “Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of One’s Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity,” was published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research.

During this study, the UT Austin researchers found that someone’s ability to hold and process data significantly improved if his or her smartphone was in another room while taking a test to gauge attentional control and cognitive processes. Participants who kept their phones in a pocket or bag also outperformed those who kept their phones on the desk while taking the same test.


GUEST: Jessica Huber

In addition to healing yourself with proper mental health treatment, you may also want to consider Reiki. Reiki works on different levels the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual enhancing everything in life. Reiki is not only one of the oldest healing systems in use; it is also one of the most versatile. This ancient Japanese method of healing uses energy to balance the body and mind, and its benefits can be felt by both Reiki practitioners and their clients. 

Please welcome to the show Mrs. Jessica Huber

75% of Americans Feel The Current State Of Politics Encourages Violence

75% of Americans Feel The Current State Of Politics Encourages Violence   

According to a new CBS polls, Americans of all political leanings overwhelmingly say that the tone and level of civility in our political debates has been getting worse in recent years. These views are largely the same across ideologies, too, as about two-thirds of liberals, conservatives and even more moderates feel things have gotten worse. Three-quarters of Americans feel the current tone of politics and debate is encouraging violence among some people.

Reflecting Questions

What do you think that this new poll reveals about the collective mental state of Americans?

What are some of the reasons why you think there is such a hostile & volatile political climate in the US today?

When a person acts out in violence because of their reaction to a political matter, what does that reveal about them psychologically? 

What are some of the ways that you think Americans can return to civil discussions regarding politics?


Why are millions of Americans so angry today and what they do to calm down and be at peace? 

Joining us today is Andrea Brandt, Ph.D, – a marriage and family therapist located in Santa Monica California. Andrea brings over 35 years of clinical experience to the role of individual family therapist, couples counseling, group therapy and anger management classes. In her book 8 Keys to Eliminating Passive-Aggressiveness, Brandt examines strategies for overcoming a common yet debilitating response mechanism.  In her second book, Mindful Anger: a pathway to emotional freedom Brandt explores methods to better understand and manage the powerful emotion of anger

Do ‘Daddy’s Girls’ Become Successful Women?

Can a Single Injection Conquer PTSD? The Army Wants to Find Out 

The U.S. Army has commissioned a study to determine whether an anesthetic injection to the neck alleviates symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder—a treatment that, if proven effective, could be a big step toward easing an affliction affecting hundreds of thousands of troops who have returned from combat.

The $2 million Army study constitutes the first large-scale randomized control research into use of the shots—called stellate ganglion blocks—to treat PTSD. The injections have been used for decades for arm pain and shingles


9 Ways To Improve Your Relationship With Your Dad

1. Figure Out Why You’re Having Problems Getting Along In The First Place

2. Begin To Let Go Of The Need To Be “Right”

3. Consider Avoiding Dead-End Topics

4. Ask Him Questions About His Life

5. Offer To Help Him Out Once In Awhile

6. Reminisce About The Good Times You’ve Shared

7. Unfollow Him On Social Media If You Need To

8. Set Clear Boundaries

9. Find Ways To Bond Without Talking


Do ‘Daddy’s Girls’ Become Successful Women? 

Connie Rankin set out to interview nine women who had overcome tremendous odds to be successful. She expected their stories would be varied, but she didn’t anticipate how large a role the women’s fathers had played in the strong women they had become. 

Ms. Rankin is author of the new book “God Gave Us Wings: A Journey to Success: Theirs, Mine and Yours”


Is Pornography Destroying Your Marriage?

More Than A Third of Teenage Girls Experience Depression

Depression strikes far too often during adolescence, especially in teenage girls, a new study shows. More than a third of all teen girls in the United States wrestle with depression by the time they turn 17, according to new data regarding the state of children’s’ mental health. The study, which involved researchers from Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, examined reports of depression that began as early as 11 years of age through as late as 17 years of age. By the time they exited adolescence, the data showed 36 percent of girls and 13.6 percent of boys endured some form of depression. 


GUEST: Lisa Haisha

Lisa Haisha, M.A., is showing women, men, and couples how to “show up” in their own lives personally, professionally, and passionately with her fearless expression in all media as a globally sought-after life counselor.

Lisa answers:

How does ography and ographic viewing affect the sexual intimacy in male adults?

If a person becomes addicted to ography, what can that addiction be compared to and at what point should a person seek professional counseling for it?

Do you think that excessive over stimulation in the forms of cell phone and computer use is having an impact on people’s capability to connect with each other in real life?

Can a marriage be successful if one partner is a progressively learning and exploring themselves while the other is content with their current intellectual status?   


How does food affect our brain?

Stories covered this week include:

Access to Mental Health Services Key to Reducing Youth Suicide Rates

According to research from the National Alliance on Mental Illness, at least one in five teenagers will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. Suicide is now the second leading cause of death for young people ages 10 to 24. 

Advocates in Buffalo Public Schools (BPS) say a 2015 survey showed 13 percent of high schoolers and 16 percent of middle schoolers have seriously considered suicide. Social workers who counsel BPS students say parents need to be more proactive and talk to their children about how they’re feeling. 

Golfer Tiger Woods says prescription medication led to DUI arrest in Jupiter

Golfer Tiger Woods was found asleep at the wheel, had to be awakened and was charged with driving under the influence early Monday morning in Jupiter, according to police. Woods said later in a written statement that prescribed medications contributed to the arrest.

GUEST: Gary L. Wenk Ph.D

How does food affect our brain? Almost everything you choose to consume will directly or indirectly affect your brain. Obviously, some things we consume affect us more than others. I’m going to assume that spices, plants, animal parts, drugs of any kind, coffee, tea, nicotine and chocolate are all just food and define food as anything we take into our bodies whether it’s nutritious or not.

A Psychological Discussion on Children Who Remember Their Past Lives

Stories covered today on Mainstream Mental Health Radio include:

Overweight kids face higher risk for depression as adults

As if it isn’t tough enough being an overweight kid, a new study shows it could have long-lasting repercussions for psychological health, too. When compared with normal-weight kids who become overweight adults, overweight or obese youth in the study faced three times the risk of depression in adulthood, the research found. Overweight children do have a higher risk of developing major depressive disorder over their lifetime compared to normal-weight children,” said the study.


Sleep deprivation can cause anxiety and depression—and the problem goes both ways

Good sleep is essential for our mental well-being. Just one night of disturbed sleep can leave us feeling cranky, flat, worried, or sad the next day. So it’s no surprise sleeping problems, like difficulty falling asleep, not getting enough sleep, or regularly disrupted sleep patterns, are associated with anxiety and depression. 



Cathy Byrd is a residential real estate broker and mother of two young children who never had aspirations of becoming a writer until her two-year-old son Christian Haupt began sharing detailed memories of being a baseball player in the 1920s and ’30s.

Cathy has said “ The events that unfolded in our lives have restored my faith and convinced me without a doubt that our souls survive this earthly existence.”

Mainstream Mental Health Radio

Featured Guest – Actress Kate Nowlin from Blood Stripe

Dr. John Huber ( is the Chairman for Mainstream Mental Health

News Stories of Week

New Show ’13 Reasons Why’ Worries Mental Health Experts

“13 Reasons Why” is based on a 2007 young-adult book written by Jay Asher. It is about a high school student who kills herself and leaves behind 13 audio recordings that detail the events that led her to commit suicide. In the recordings, she describes her experiences with sexual violence, drug abuse and bullying. The 13-part show was co-produced by American actress and singer Selena Gomez. The streaming service Netflix released the show on March 31.


Teens May Disguise Depression Symptoms By Saying They’re ‘Down’ Or ‘Sad’


Study Reveals Men & Women Are Equally Miserable About Their Body 

A study in the Body Image Journal looked at 12,176 online surveys gathered by NBC News and Today, and found that the amount of women disliking their bodies is around the same as the amount of men who feel the same about theirs. So it’s not just a women’s issue. 6% of men and 9% of women reported that they were very to extremely dissatisfied with their looks. 15% of men and 20% of women said that they felt very to extremely dissatisfied with their weight. 28% of men and 26% of women said they were very to extremely satisfied with their looks.


Kate Nowlin is an actress and writer, known for Young Adult (2011), The Adjustment Bureau (2011) , The Mighty Macs (2009) and most recently, Blood Stripe (2016). Blood Stripe is about the trials and tribulations of a female combat veteran and her battle with vigorous PTSD. 


How The Power of Hypnosis Can Permanently Change Your Life

Dr. John Huber ( is the Chairman for Mainstream Mental Health

News Stories of Week

The Mindset Of The University Of Texas Attacker & How Victims Can Begin To Cope With PTSD 

What Brad Pitt’s Revealing Interview In GQ Magazine Says About His Mental Health 

Groundbreaking Study Reveals 93% of Veterans Charged With Crimes Do No Re-Offend If Given Adequate Mental Health Treatment

Cruel YouTube Father & Stepmom Who Filmed Themselves Telling Their Nine-Year-Old Son He Was Going To Be Adopted And Smashing His X-Box Lose Custody Of Their Two Children


GUEST: Scott Schmaren

NeuroPerformanceologist Scott Schmaren is a nationally known speaker, coach and author. He has spent over 20 years learning powerful success technologies. He has used what he has learned and created to transform his life, losing 180+ pounds and maintaining it while rediscovering his vitality. His coaching program has literally transformed peoples’ lives, helping them discover how amazing they are and live the life of their dreams.

Scott has developed his own technique called, “Mind Performance Training™ (MPT)” that allows people to make rapid and permanent changes to their lives so they can overcome obstacles, challenges and accomplish all of their goals, dreams and visions they have.



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