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Tag: Drug Counseling

Dr. Steven Mougeot of Thrive Pharmacy: Fighting Addiction With Science And Spirituality

Dr. Steven Mougeot, CEO and founder of Thrive Pharmacy in Jacksonville, Florida, uses the latest in science and technology to prepare compounded medications that rival and surpass the best that the pharmaceutical industry has to offer. These compounds include products that doctors can prescribe to help alcoholics and opioid addicts to get clean and sober. However, his care for his patients does not end with the delivery of their prescription. Dr. Mougeot has been in recovery from addiction for nearly three decades. He is deeply spiritual and involved with his church and Celebrate Recovery. He is open to discussing recovery and spirituality with his patients to help them find their way on the path to long term recovery from drugs and alcohol.

Steven Mougeot, Pharm.D., PRS, B.A. Psychology, has been immersed in pharmacy for over 20 years, both as a pharmacy technician and as a licensed pharmacist. Born in Berkeley, California and raised in the San Franciso Bay Area, Steven moved to Jacksonville in 1998. He served in the United States Navy as a pharmacy technician for 8 years and left the Navy in 2002 as a Hospital Corpsman, First Class (E-6). Steven graduated from the University of Maryland in 1997 with a B.A. in Psychology, and in 2008, he earned his Doctorate in Pharmacy from the University of Florida. He has worked in both retail and clinical sectors since then. He has been married to his best friend for 22 years, and they have a son and a daughter. Steven is active in his church and serves as a boys’ life group leader in the Student Ministry. As a recovering addict, Steven understands the challenges and frustrations of breaking free of addiction. He understands the unexpected and tragedies of life as he buried his mother and sister to suicide. His sobriety date is September 5, 1990.

Mani Saint-Victor, MD: Rewriting Your Story

In search of a meaningful path to move beyond traditional drug therapy and psychiatry, Mani Saint-Victor, MD is a visionary leader in applying neuroscience to real world problems. Dr. Mani is a graduate of Harvard University and UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine. Three days into the third year of his Psychiatry residency, Dr. Mani left the traditional path of medical practice to join a virtual world startup.

His brain-slapping style of research and coaching attracts clients from around the world to actively discover how their minds work and how to think their way to success. A true polymath, he’s brought much-needed science to the fuzzy world of self-improvement through one on one and group coaching of physicians committed to creating lasting and meaningful changes in their lives.

He is an Amazon Best-Selling Author of Thinking About Quitting Medicine and co-host of the popular TV show #CLBLive. You can reach Dr. Mani to find out about working with him at

Addicted To Rehab: Overcoming The Florida Shuffle

Michael A. gives an incredible account of going through 28 rehab programs in South Florida in a six year period. The ineffective system, which values a good medical insurance card over a patient’s wellbeing, could not help him to get clean. Finally, Michael found a program that worked for him. He discovered that he needed a lot more than a short term program that just meets the minimum requirements to operate. He found a place in California that had a better program. Five months of treatment, intense physical activity, team building, multiple forms of therapy are major components of this effective treatment program. You can learn more about the program and Michael’s story in his excellent article on the Recovering Addict Advice website: While the program he describes is one location that only serves men, I hope that this philosophy of truly helping people to overcome addiction will spread to more addiction treatment programs.

Bob Coates: The Opioid Crisis Response Act Of 2018

Frequently, I am asked about free and low cost treatment for opioid addiction. Whenever I write an article about patient assistance programs, I get a flood of calls and emails from people struggling with opioid addiction and also from the loved ones of the opioid addicted. Unfortunately, there are few options available right now. But thanks to the Opioid Crisis Response Act of 2018, there may be hope in the near future. Soon, there will be billions of dollars of funding available for programs that provide MAT, or Medication Assisted Treatment for opioid addiction. What does this mean for the doctor prescribing Suboxone in a small clinic? How can he or she be a part of this program? Applying for grants and running compliant a program can seem overwhelming and intimidating.Yet, many doctors, nurse practitioners and physician assistants would love to help those who need treatment but cannot afford it. So, what is the next step?

Bob Coates has the solution. When it comes to healthcare law, Mr. Coates has a deep understanding of how things work. He has owned large healthcare systems and he has served as an auditor and a consultant for many large and small medical facilities. Especially, when it comes to healthcare institutions that may come under scrutiny by federal agencies and law enforcement, Mr. Coates can provide the management needed to allow practitioners and owners to sleep well at night, knowing they are in good hands. He has worked with many pain management clinics and addiction treatment programs. He also maintains a large library of compliance manuals that have provided guidance and protection to doctors, especially those who practice in these high risk fields.

Bob Coates is also a family therapist. He currently practices in several states. He is able to provide telemedicine services and he is an expert in addiction therapy. One of the most important aspects of addiction treatment is family involvement. Mr. Coates’ experience as a therapist has given him deep insight into the problems and solutions that involve family and addiction.

In recent years, Mr. Coates has served as a lobbyist in Washington, D.C., working with He has been at the center of the action leading up to the president’s signing of the Opioid Crisis Response Act of 2018. He is now prepared to assist healthcare practitioners and facility owners who are interested in applying for grants under this important new law.

Jennifer Elizabeth Masters: Orgasm For Life

In this episode of The Rehab, Jennifer Elizabeth Masters joins me for a second time to discuss her book, Orgasm For Life. While it is a book about sex, it is also much, much more. It is also a book about relationships and communication. While you may want to save this one for when the children are not in the room, you should make plans to listen. 

An important part of recovering from addiction is maintaining a network of support. This should include family and loved ones who are closest to you and know you best. If you are in a relationship, such as marriage, an important part of overcoming addiction is improving communication in your relationship and finding ways to understand each others needs.

For over a decade Jennifer has empowered thousands of women to find love, passion and happiness in their lives and relationships helping them heal co-dependency, addictions, depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, fears and suffering.

Jennifer is an International Best-Selling author, Channel, certified love and happiness coach, Hypnotherapist, Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner, reads the Akashic Records is a Master Energy Healer, ordained minister and mother of three spiritually grounded adults.

What her clients like best about her is that she listens without judgment, is completely present and is highly tuned into the Divine and Universal which profoundly assists her clients with their process exactly where they are trying to get clarity.

Visit the Jennifer’s official website:

Hoke Kimball, author of Transitions: Collected Poems about Addiction

Hoke Kimball is an author, poet, stone sculptor and a recovering alcoholic. He is the author of Transitions: Collected Poems about Addiction. He has been sober for nearly thirty years. He is proof that it is not only possible to get clean from drugs and sober from alcohol, it is also possible to live a fulfilling life, expressing yourself through art and helping others through service.

The book contains poems about Hoke’s emotional and physical dependence on alcohol and how it affected the way he thought and felt about himself. They reflect the feelings he experienced through times of struggle and times of triumph, chronicling his journey of recovery, sobriety and learning to live a more positive and productive way of life.

Hoke has written Transitions with the hope that these poems will help others discover that it is possible to seek help and it is possible to recover and live a changed life.

Drug addiction recovery focused podcast The Rehab comes to MHNR Network

Addiction treatment center director Dr. Mark Leeds hosts The Rehab, a podcast dedicated to exploring different approaches to opioid and other drug addiction recovery including medical treatment, therapy, self-help and spiritual recovery groups.

Past show topics include Narcissistic Parental Abuse and Addiction, Overcoming Opioid Addiction and the Science of Spirituality. Past guests include Anna Yusim, M.D. and Karen Newell,Co-Founder of Sacred Acoustics.

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Karen Newell, Co-Founder of Sacred Acoustics: Healing With Sound

Sacred Acoustics produces audio recordings that can entrain your brain. Do you need help focusing and concentrating, relaxing, sleeping? What about feeling love and enlightenment? These incredible recordings help to put your mind in a state that allows you to put your thoughts aside and experience the oneness of everything and the power of love emanating from your heart. Sacred Acoustics uses binaural beats as well as world instruments and electronic sounds to create an environment for peaceful meditation and contemplation wherever you are.

Rachel Reimer, Medical Intuitive: A Rae Of Hope

“My name is Rachel Reimer and I am a Medical Intuitive.  I have the ability to see, hear and feel information from a person’s name and a recent picture.  It took me a while to figure out that not everyone could do this, and it has led me on my journey of becoming uniquely me.  

I provide spiritual insight to healthcare and/or mental health professionals on clients that want to know more about their health and/or are “stuck”.   These insights help clients understand possible physical, emotional or spiritual roots that are preventing them from better health.   

Additionally, I have personal clients that I provide spiritual insight to for possible emotional and spiritual roots that may be preventing them from better health.”

What happens when detectives cannot solve a case? Often, they turn to people with psychic abilities to see if they can find answers from the spiritual realm. What about when doctors cannot diagnose a patient? It is a fact that doctors do not have all of the answers. Sometimes, after being tested over and over and seeing every possible specialist, the final answer is, “I don’t know”. At that point, a Medical Intuitive may be consulted by certain physicians to get additional information.

To find out more about what Rachel Reimer does and how to contact her, visit her website:


Jennifer Elizabeth Masters: Empowerment and Finding Happiness

For over a decade Jennifer has empowered thousands of women to find love, passion and happiness in their lives and relationships helping them heal co-dependency, addictions, depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, fears and suffering. Some of her clients have been, producers, spiritual leaders and authors. Wayne Dyer was not only a client but also a friend.

Jennifer is an International Best-Selling author, Channel, certified love and happiness coach, Hypnotherapist, Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner, reads the Akashic Records is a Master Energy Healer, ordained minister and mother of three spiritually grounded adults.

What her clients like best about her is that she listens without judgment, is completely present and is highly tuned into the Divine and Universal which profoundly assists her clients with their process exactly where they are trying to get clarity.

She awakened in 2012. She shares her insights about how our mind creates stories that keep us from happiness. Her latest book Happy Anywhere The Secret To Permanent Happiness is just out!


Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please let me know. You can reach me on the contact page of my website here:



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