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Tag: enlightenment

Consciousness Purification with Max Igan

Is human consciousness in the process of a historic purge and purification? The real life matrix crumbling down for one segment of the population but, becoming ever more powerful and draconian for another? What is behind the systems of control and how can free people make a stand against them? Our featured guest will shed light on all these questions. Max Igan is a teacher, metaphysical explorer, researcher, truth seeker, radio host, film-maker and one of the leaders of global awakening movement. As a documentary film maker, his film have reached millions of people world wide including his latest films, “Transformation”, “The Calling”, “The Awakening”. Several of Max’s insights can be found on the popular YouTube Channel, Inspired – 

How To Cultivate A Warrior Spirit & Frequency with Dylan Charles

A dear friend of the Outer Limits of Inner Truth, Dylan Charles (the founder and editor of  and host of the  podcast) makes his fifth appearance on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth. Dylan discusses how to cultivate a warrior spirit and frequency. Dylan also takes a deep reflection the madness currently engulfing the world. His hero’s journey of awakening and self-actualization began with a choice to take full responsibility for his health, wellness, and happiness. Shunning the medical establishment, he set out to overcome addiction, depression, anxiety and chronic illness, first turning to the martial arts of Kung Fu and Tai Chi, then toward mastery of personal energy with Qi Gong. In 2009 he left the US to live in Central America and studied shamanic plant medicines with traditional indigenous masters from the Amazon and Africa, and now sits in ceremony as a facilitator-in-training, and serving as a guide and advisor to courageous seekers of inner truth. Dylan is a warrior for consciousness and is dedicated to leading as many men as possible back to their natural state of presence and power, guiding them on their path to self-mastery and inner peace. Having written hundreds of articles and reaching millions of people with visionary insight and matrix-busting candor, he now guides individuals and small groups of men on intensely transformational journeys of self-discovery and sovereign re-programming. He offers group mentorships, deep one-on-one personal coaching, medicine retreats, and online training. Dylan Charles Coaching ======= WHAT EXACTLY IS THIS “GREAT RESET” PEOPLE KEEP TALKING ABOUT? THE ORWELLIAN VACCINE PASSPORT AGENDA AND THE LIE OF THE “SOCIAL CONTRACT” HOW TO STAND UP FOR YOURSELF THE MYSTERY WALK: SEEKING A METAPARADIGM FOR THE EVOLVING TRUTH QUEST

Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable featuring Gary Heavin

Gary Heavin is an entrepreneur and self described adventurer. He and his wife Diane are the founders of Curves, the worlds largest fitness franchise. They are credited with pioneering the concept of express fitness centers having opened 10,000 locations in 92 countries with over 5 million members. After selling the company 8 years ago, Gary has pursued his philanthropic interests doing things such as rescue flights in Haiti for 6 weeks following Hurricane Mathew that had left a million people homeless and starving. As a high time pilot, he was able to utilize his passion in saving the lives of hundreds of victims. For over 10 years, he and his wife have been feeding 10,000 children a day in Haiti. Gary has numerous credits in TV and movies. He and Diane appeared on ABC’s Secret Millionaire where they spent a week in the poorest area of Houston serving the poor and revealing their true identity as they donated almost half a million dollars to worthy organizations. Gary co-wrote the scripts for the movies Mission Air and Amerigeddon as well as acting in a major role in the latter. He also has acting credits in the new move, Roe V. Wade. Gary has flown his jet around the world multiple times, is an accomplished helicopter pilot and is a nationally ranked Hot Air Balloon racing pilot. In addition to amassing a fortune, he is a two-time New York Times bestselling author and holds a degree in health and nutrition and an honorary doctorate degree. Gary and his wife Diane, are committed Christians and believe that to whom much has been given, much is expected.

How Communities Can Fight Back Against Covid Tyranny

Will you soon be forced to take a covid-19 vaccine? Are the winds of momentum shifting in favor of global tyranny or in favor of a global re-awakening to freedom? What can individuals, states, and communities do to push back against decrees which violate fundamental human liberty? Brandon Smith, Founder of Alt-Market makes his third appearance on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth to answer these questions. Website: 

Understanding Ourselves as Energetic Beings with Jona Bryndis

 founder and owner of transCODES makes her second appearance on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth. She is a wise metaphysical teacher who is also a student of human psychology. On transCODES’ site they say “Changing the way we perceive ourselves is a big part of our Global Awakening process and part of the immanent Paradigm Change ahead. With the growing evidence that who we are is not just a result of predisposed genetic information, gender, race, circumstances and cultural conditioning we are beginning to embrace the idea that we more than just a human-computer-system, limited to hardware and software – our life is much more complex than that!” More about Jona Jona was born in Iceland and grew up in Germany, where she received a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry, Computer Science and later in International Business. She started her professional career as consultant in the emerging computer industry and later became an instructor, coach and motivational speaker. She published articles, co-authored some magazines, had TV appearances, and worked as teacher, public speaker for a Children’s nutrition related non-profit organization and founded a holistic tutoring school in 2009. In the constant search for new and more holistic modalities, Jona decided to complement her rather secular education through more spiritual and psychological studies in NLP, Remote Viewing, spiritual healing and Metaphysics. The teachings that influenced her the most are those of Richard Bandler, Stuart Wilde, Lyn Buchanan, Dr. David R. Hawkins, Khris Krepcik and Patricia St.Clair. She is a certified trainer and coach of the SaintClairs International School for Remote Healing and is working on her combined Master’s Degree and PhD in Metaphysics through the International University of Metaphysics in Sedona since 2005.

Doug Casey’s Predictions For The Future & How To Find Freedom In An Unfree World

Doug Casey’s Predictions For The Future & How To Find Freedom In An Unfree World Best-selling author, world-renowned speculator, and brilliant libertarian philosopher Doug Casey returns to the Outer Limits of Inner Truth for the third time to discuss his analysis on the economy and and how to find freedom in an unfree world. Doug also discusses how and why empires collapse and whether America may finally be going the way of Rome. Doug Casey has garnered a well-earned reputation for his erudite (and often controversial) insights into politics, economics, and investment markets. Doug is widely respected as one of the preeminent authorities on “rational speculation,” especially in the high-potential natural resource sector. Doug wrote the book on profiting from periods of economic turmoil: his book Crisis Investing spent weeks as #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and became the best-selling financial book of 1980 with 438,640 copies sold; surpassing big-caliber names, like Free to Choose by Milton Friedman, The Real War by Richard Nixon, and Cosmos by Carl Sagan. He has been a featured guest on hundreds of radio and TV shows, including David Letterman, Merv Griffin, Charlie Rose, Phil Donahue, Regis Philbin, Maury Povich, NBC News, and CNN; has been the topic of numerous features in periodicals such as Time, Forbes, People, and the Washington Post; and is a regular keynote speaker at FreedomFest, the world’s largest gathering of free minds. Doug has lived in 10 countries and visited over 175. He currently spends most of his time in Argentina and Uruguay, and traveling to various dysfunctional hellholes. Today you’re most likely to find him at La Estancia de Cafayate, an oasis tucked away in the high red mountains outside Salta, Argentina. Cafayate most resembles the isolating beauty of Bryce Canyon, Utah combined with the lush vineyards of Napa Valley. Residents enjoy economic and social freedoms not found in the US and some of the best wine and golf on the planet. Website Link:  ================================================= Doug Casey on Whether It’s Possible to Find Freedom in an Unfree World Doug Casey’s Next 5 Shocking Predictions… Doug Casey on the Labor Shortage and Other Disturbing Distortions in the Economy Doug Casey on the Real Story Behind Collapsing Supply Chains and What it Means for You / Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast… War, Population Reduction and the Collapse of the West

How The Ideas of Liberty Win with Chris Rossini

How The Ideas of Liberty Win with Chris Rossini The Outer Limits of Inner Truth sits down with Chris Rossini (the Editor & Writer for the RonPaul Liberty Report as well as a Media Coordinator for RonPaul) for the third time for a timeless discussion on spreading the ideas of freedom in a world of tyranny. Rossini shares insights from his most recent articles and gives everyone reason to be very hopeful for the future in the long term. On a personal note, OLIT has always been a huge supporter of Rossini’s work and we feel that he is a modern day Thomas Paine. Chris Rossini’s recent articles Why Even The Vaccinated Should Be Passionately Against “Vaccine Passports” How The Ideas of Liberty Win “Dangerous Servant” or a “Fearful Master” “We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying…” The Ultimate Power of The Word “NO” Fight against tyranny, Covid 1984, resisting medical tyranny, Chris Rossini, Liberty, Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute, libertarian, peace, Ryan McCormick, Outer Limits of Inner Truth

The Rude Awakening with Dr. Judy Mikovits

“ Again. It’s a shame so many Americans do not appreciate the new rules concerning the use of face coverings among the fully vaccinated. After all, asking jabbed citizens to mask up after telling them they don’t need to mask up, after suggesting to them that wearing two masks almost all the time would be even better, must be the best possible and most consistent public health policy under the current circumstances. What is the world is going on and where is everything headed?” (citation: Riley Waggaman) Making her second appearance on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth is Dr. Judy Mikovits – a modern-day Rosalind Franklin, a brilliant researcher shaking up the old boys’ club of science with her ground-breaking discoveries. And like many women who have trespassed into the world of men, she uncovered decades old secrets that many would prefer to stay buried. JUDY A. MIKOVITS, PHD Dr. Judy A. Mikovits earned her BA in chemistry with a specialization in biology from the University of Virginia in 1980 and her PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology from George Washington University in 1992. In her 35-year quest to understand and treat chronic diseases, she has co-authored seminal papers culminating at least a decade of research in each of four fields: immunology, natural products chemistry, epigenetics, and HIV/AIDs drug development. In 2006, she became attracted to the plight of families with neuroimmune diseases including ME/CFS and autism. Dr. Mikovits has been primarily responsible for demonstrating the relationship between environmentally acquired immune dysfunction, chronic inflammation, and these diseases. Dr. Mikovits has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles, many in the world’s top medical journals and she has been profiled in Discover magazine as well as the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. Her pioneering work during her 20-year career at the National Cancer Institute includes the discovery of the modulation of DNA methylation machinery by human retro viral infection and the development of the concept of inflammatory cytokines and chemokine signatures of infection and disease, which was first published in 1999, when she directed the Laboratory of Antiviral Drug Mechanisms in developing therapeutics and diagnostics for HIV/AIDS and AIDS associated malignancies. These are all therapies that are still the standard of care twenty-five years later and credited with saving millions of deaths from HIV/AIDS. Website Link: 

The 11th Hour with Dr. Naomi Wolf

Dr. Naomi Wolf appears on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth to discuss the worldwide resistance against vaccine passports and tyranny. Wolf also shares her thoughts on the dystopian future that awaits humanity if we do not stand together united right now for the cause of freedom. A Rhodes Scholar and former advisor to Clinton and Gore campaigns, and author of eight NYT nonfiction bestsellers, Dr. Naomi Wolf has been creating globally valuable news and opinion content for digital media and for publishers for 28 years. Naomi Wolf completed a D.Phil. in English Literature from the University of Oxford in 2015 and taught Victorian Studies as a Visiting Professor at SUNY Stony Brook. She was a research fellow at the Barnard Center for Research on Women and at the Rothermere American Institute at the University of Oxford. She taught English Literature at George Washington University as a visiting lecturer. She’s lectured widely on the themes in Outrages: Sex, Censorship and the Criminalization of Love at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, at Balliol College, Oxford, and to the undergraduates in the English Faculty at the University of Oxford. About Daily Clout Our mission is to empower all people with information, facts and opinion from all viewpoints, that when combined with DailyClout’s proprietary platform, enables them to be well informed and to exercise their rights to directly weigh-in on issues and legislation so that their voices are heard at the local, state or federal level. Website:

Foreseeing The Crash with Harry Dent Jr.

Foreseeing The Crash with Harry S. Dent, Jr. Harry S. Dent, Jr. isn’t just the face of Dent Research, he is also a bestselling author and one of the most outspoken financial editors in America who has developed a unique method for studying the global economies and providing insights to what to expect in the future. After years of studying economics in college, Harry quickly became disillusioned and grew to find the profession itself vague and inconclusive. So he shifted his focus to the burgeoning new science of finance, where he could identify and study demographic, technological, consumer and many other trends that empowered him to begin forecasting economic changes. Harry went on to receive his MBA from Harvard Business School, where he was a Baker Scholar and was elected to the Century Club for leadership excellence. He then joined Bain & Company as a Fortune 100 business consultant and now heads the independent research firm Dent Research. Since then, he’s spoken to executives, financial advisors and investors around the world about demographics and the power of identifying different trends. Harry has appeared on “Good Morning America,” PBS, CNBC and CNN, Fox News and is a regular guest on Fox Business. He has also been featured in Barron’s, Investor’s Business Daily, Fortune, U.S. News and World Report, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, and many other publications. Harry has written numerous bestselling books over the last few decades, including The Great Boom Ahead in 1992, The Demographic Cliff in 2015, The Sale of a Lifetime in 2016 and Zero Hour in 2017. In 2019 Harry published his latest book Spending Waves, where he shares decades of extensive research covering over 200 businesses across 14 different industries to give readers a usable tool to find the most lucrative opportunities over the next 20 years. Today, Harry uses the same research he developed from years of hands-on business experience to offer Dent Research subscribers a positive, easy-to-understand view of the economic future in his flagship newsletter, Boom & Bust. Website Link:


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