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Tag: Firemountain Residential Treatment

MJ Madness Pt 2: Author Doug Morar and “That’s why they call it DoPe!”

Aaron Huey, founder of Firemountain Residential Treatment Program, and Doug Morar get out and tackle the lies promoted by the Marijuana industry. Is Marijuana borrowing the marketing tactics of the cigarette industry? Is it a non-addictive, healthy, cure-all? WHAT IS THE TRUTH? Aaron steps into the firing line to once again try to uncover the reality of pot.

Doug Morar is originally from the swamps of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but has been living in Colorado for the past 10 years. He is a graduate of Northeast Louisiana University and is 51 years old. He has previously worked in the bicycle industry and has worked in the medical sales arena for over 15 years, working for world renowned biotech and medical device companies. He’s been married to his high school sweetheart for 22 years, has 3 teenage children and is an avid cyclist. For the purposes of today’s show regarding MJ Madness Part 2, he has included the length of his consistent long-term use of marijuana totaling 35+ years and says, “I was as dedicated to weed as they come and could never imagine not “pulling from the vine” until the day I dropped.”


Drug Courts

What are drug courts and do they work better than the punitive system? If so, why aren’t they everywhere?

Aaron Huey, founder of Firemountain Residential Treatment Center, interviews Dan Bennett, A Drug Court Counselor. Dan Bennett started work in the helping professions in 1979, working in a “Drug Free” mental health program run through the County Mental Health Center.  While there, he received a masters in “Psychology, Counseling and Guidance.” During years of work, he has worked in outpatient clinics, provided DUI treatment, worked in the developmental disabilities field (helping individuals in the community as well as transition out of a State Hospital). For 4 years, he was the “adolescent therapist” for the islands of Saipan, Tinian, and Rota. Following that, Dan worked at an inpatient psychiatric hospital in Fort Collins. Ten years ago he went into private practice and through the private practice he has been a group therapist for the Larimer county Drug Court.

“My kid is going to do what?” with Diane McKinney

Aaron Huey, founder of Firemountain Residential Treatment Center, and Diane McKinney discuss experiential therapy and a unique twist on a successful model!

Diane is the founder and Executive Director of the not-for-profit organization, ABLE for Youth, and the ABLE to Sail program, which is now in its 6thyear, here in Longmont at Union Reservoir. She has been engaged in being an inspiration to Longmont Youth since 2011, when she received the Make Time for Kids Award from Mayor Coombs, for her presentation, “Being Good Enough,” which was filmed and televised locally. She is also a Licensed Spiritual Counselor with the Centers for Spiritual Living. Her personal mission is to help struggling youth identify and change the limiting beliefs of “not-enoughness,” which drive them to make life-limiting and life ending high risk choices such as the use of alcohol, drugs, cutting, and ultimately suicide, inspiring them, instead to be and express their talents, gifts, and abilities in a way that only they can!



The Wolf is My Therapist w/Ozzie Cabral and Mary Ann McCain

Animal Assisted Therapy has become very popular for youth therapy and treatment programs…but Wolves? That’s WILD!

Osvaldo “Ozzie” Cabra and Mary Ann McCain speak with Aaron about their ground breaking program speak with Aaron Huey of Firemountain Residential Treatment Center. 

Song of the Wolf Healing Center was founded by Mary Ann McCain and Ozzie Cabral.  Both have an extensive work history in the mental health and addictions field with various treatment modalites and populations. 

They are also animal lovers and have worked with wolfdogs.  After seeing many wolfdogs needing placement they decided to open up their own rescue and do their part in giving abandoned, neglected or unwanted wolfdogs a safe and loving place to live.




The Whole Family Needs Help!

“Fix my kid.” is a set up for failure. The kid is not broken, the system is broken and parents need support to rebuild the system. Join Kevin Petersen and Aaron Huey of Firemountain Residential Treatment Programs as they discuss what “fix my kid” actually is about. 

Kevin Petersen, MA, LMFT was born and raised in Palo Alto, CA. Kevin graduated from Palo Alto High School and enrolled at The University of Southern California in 1982. After living in the south of Spain and working on a farm as a tractor driver in 1983, he came back to USC and graduated in 1994 with a degree in Social Sciences and moved to Denver, CO in 1995. Kevin had a successful career in sales and marketing and then in 2008 he enrolled in the Masters of Marriage and Family Therapy program at Regis University and was part of the first class that graduated from that program in 2011. He then spent three and a half years working at Arapahoe Douglas Mental Health Network as an in home therapist, case manager, crisis evaluator and outpatient therapist for Child and Family Services, he also worked part time for The Bridge House, ADMHN’s Acute Treatment Unit, as a Mental Health Technician and Counselor. Kevin opened his private practice, Petersen Family Counseling, in 2014 and specializes in working with families and individuals struggling with addictions, codependency, and parenting.

Love & Logic and REALLY Risky Teens

Dr. Charles Fay and Aaron Huey review the essentials of Love and Logic and how it can provide a clear path of boundaries, consequences, and responsibility for ANY child. Dr. Fay is a parent, internationally recognized author, consultant and highly skilled public speaker. Millions of educators, mental health professionals, and parents world-wide have benefited from his practical and down-to-earth solutions to the most common and frustrating behaviors displayed by youth of all ages. These solutions come directly from years of research and clinical experience serving severely disturbed youth and their families in psychiatric hospitals, public and private schools, and homes. His interest in education and psychology were peaked as a child from years of exposure to some of our nation’s most dynamic experts in these fields. This early exposure came as a result of participation in training events with his father, Jim Fay. Jim is one of the nation’s leading experts on child discipline and has over fifty years of experience in public education. The internationally recognized Love and Logic approach was literally developed around Charles Fay as he grew. Now he jokes, “I think that’s why I became a psychologist…just to figure out what they were doing to me as a kid. But…let me be clear…I absolutely adore my mom and dad as a result.”

Dr. Fay currently works full time as an author, consultant, public speaker and CEO of the Love and Logic Institute. Because of his high-powered sense of humor and story-telling skills, audiences experience the most memorable and life changing form of learning: learning that’s mentally connected to joy and real-life examples.

Running Away: Coaching Calls with Parents

Aaron Huey of Fire Mountain Residential Treatment Center has another discussion with parents about kids and running away. Teens are known for risky behavior and getting into trouble. Some of this is normal rebellion and testing limits and boundaries. Sometimes, however, the limit-testing and boundary-pushing can go too far, and kids find themselves in situations and lifestyles that aren’t what they intended. All of a sudden, they are facing consequences at school, with the law, and at home. Some end up running away, …Read More


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