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Tag: High School

Episode #32 – The Ultimate Box Burner, Angie Lee, And Yoga Pants

Being passionate about what you do in life is crazy important. For some, that’s putting 25-30 years in at your job that will start with a four year college degree. If it fuels you and instills passion, rock on.

There are also many who are called to not walk this line. Whether it be trade school or traveling abroad or…entrepreneurship, taking that step outside of the norm can be crazy scary. If you’re feeling the pang to take that step or are already a box burner, know that you’re not alone. Angie Lee, the founder of Millionaire in Yoga Pants Podcast and the Pays to Be Brave Summit takes some time to inspire and motivate for all you fellow box burners. #selfcare #wellness #parentingteens #mentalhealth #helper

I believe life is too short to not be passionate about what you do and to not inspire and motivate others. Angie does all this and more. Check out her Podcast for a message that can make your drive into work a gazillion times more awesome:

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

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Episode #31 – Grandma Gert & Family History

I chat with my 97 year old Grandma to get a little insight about her and life. What’s your family history? Are your parents, grandparents, siblings more than merely a title? Let’s check out the perks of knowing your peeps.

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

#selfcare #wellness #parentingteens #mentalhealth #helper

Episode #30 – Get High

Going through life with artificial highs is way too common. Finding out how to get your natural high on is a journey worth taking.
Check out a sneak peak of my new book, A Higher Level of Goodness: Lessons from the Drug Lady where I chat on the chapter, “Get High.”

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

#selfcare #wellness #parentingteens #mentalhealth #helper

Episode #29 – Step Up and Say Something

There’s overwhelming significance in speaking up when something isn’t right. Our voices can (literally) save a life. Check out how not only is it the right thing to do, but it has the ability to change how we look at our role in life, increase self image, and pave the road for great things. Speaking up and stepping up can change lives in a gazillion ways.

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

#selfcare #wellness #parentingteens #mentalhealth #helper

Episode #28 – Fence Jumping

For too many life becomes mundane and life can become a blur without direction or purpose. How we approach life has a hand in what we get out of it. Are you settling, are you living or maybe you’re called to be a fence jumper. For updated insights and encouragement for life and parenting check out Goodness Chick’s Facebook Page and snag your weekly newsletter to keep your goodness going.

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

#selfcare #wellness #parentingteens #mentalhealth #helper

Episode #27 – The Drug Guy, Gratitude and Opiates

Jeff Pensabene, fellow SAC counselor, shares what it means to be a SAC, his approach and the NEED for mental health resources in our schools. We chat on the
opiate epidemic and how SACs are a key component in the war that requires more resources, support and awareness. His attitude of gratitude is contagious and off the charts life changing goodness.

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

#selfcare #wellness #parentingteens #mentalhealth #helper

Episode #26 – Spring Cleaning & Lemon Pledge

We Spring Clean our homes a few times a year, but there’s usually less of an urgency and priority on taking time to do mental and emotional ‘Spring Cleaning’ for ourselves. Check out why it’s so important to make this part of your life to keep yourself in balance.

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

#selfcare #wellness #parentingteens #mentalhealth #helper

Episode #25 – Paddling Towards The Wave Of Life And Getting Your Stoke On

Did you know that if you wait for a wave to come to you vs. paddling towards a wave, it impacts the quality of your ride? It’s the same thing with life. When we wait for life to happen instead of going towards it, our quality of life is directly impacted. Let’s start paddling!

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

#selfcare #wellness #parentingteens #mentalhealth #helper

Episode #24 – How To Avoid Being A Butthead

There are a heap of buttheads out there. Avoid being a butthead. I assembled four special ingredients to ensure you (or your kids) do not become a butthead. Up for signing on for Goodness Chick’s ‘The (near fool proof) guide to keep your kids off drugs?’ Send an email my way:

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

#selfcare #wellness #parentingteens #mentalhealth #helper

Episode #23 – How #MeToo Can’t Not Affect You

My guest, Hannah Oberman, and I chat about loss, struggles and the stark reality of sexual abuse and assault among young people. We look at the importance of getting comfortable chatting about the uncomfortable that can pave the road for healing and taking on a survivor mindset. Hannah is not only a survivor, but a role model and inspiration.

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

#selfcare #wellness #parentingteens #mentalhealth #helper


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