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Tag: High School

Episode #22 – Vidalia Onions, Layers, and Strength

Trying to go at life solo is a no no. When more than 50% of us are impacted by someone’s struggle of addiction we need to get more comfortable chatting and
providing support by those impacted by a loved one’s struggle. Jess Capano is the essence of resiliency. She grew up exposed to addiction, but did not allow it to define her. Instead, it only increased her determination, passion for others and ability to grow. Don’t miss out on an awesome episode.

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

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Episode #21 – School Shootings And The 9-1-1 For Mental Health

For every life taken in a school shooting it is one life too many. One very large component in this crisis is the disconnect in prioritizing mental health services on a state and national level. Change must happen for lives to be saved.

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

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Episode #20 – Windshield And Rearview

We have a choice to live life looking through the windshield (aka living in the present) or getting fixated on the rearview mirror (aka our past). How are you driving through life?

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

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Episode #19 – Are We Listening?

We have a whole lot of hurting kids and sometimes we don’t even know that they’re in emotional pain. When we know how to listen and extend ourselves it makes a world
of a difference that can allow us to provide the support needed.

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

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Episode #18 – Four (Or Five) Secret Ingredients For A Healthy Relationship

 Just like making a cake, having a relationship requires certain ingredients for it to be healthy and strong. From what comes out of our mouth to the time we spend together, it’s getting our positive on. Nothing in life (of substance) is sustained without time, effort and commitment.

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

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Episode #17 – What’s Your Bucket List?

Life can sometimes become mundane and like we’re going on cruise control. There’s substance in having (and maintaining) a bucket list. What’s yours? Did you know it can get us excited about life, fine tune our mindset and strengthen our view of our own abilities? Dude! It’s time to get your bucket list on!

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

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Episode #16 – Positive Peeps

There’s a connection between who we let in our inner circle and our quality of life. Who we invest our hearts and time with is WAY important in our life. We set the example for our kids as to WHO is worth investing in and HOW we deserve to be treated. Being a kid is tough. Finding those they deserve to be friends with can be even more challenging. Our encouragement and our example can help.

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

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Episode #15 – What’s Your FEAR Factor?

Fear is a natural feeling. How we handle it and choose to face it (or not) plays a bearing on our quality of life. There are healthy fears and those that create obstacles in our ability to live as we were intended. Looking at our personal fears, how to tackle them and to kick up our quality of life for ourselves and our kids.

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

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Episode #14 – Under The Radar Life Lessons

Being of strong character isn’t something we’re born with. We look at four different angles in strengthening character, teaching life lessons through actions (not words) and rocking out an awesome quality of life.

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

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Episode #13 – The Power Of Positive

David Buscemi joins me in discussing the power of a positive attitude. A former student of mine, he faced intense obstacles during high school. David made a conscious decision to assume a mindset of positivity that changed his life and  has had a ripple effect in impacting countless others. Check out how positive thinking and a positive outlook CAN change your life.

You can find the Goodness Chick on her Facebook Page,, or at

You can now receive 15% off on your order of CBD Pure just type in 15percent when you visit Goodness Chick’s Storefront at

#selfcare #wellness #parentingteens #mentalhealth #helper


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