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Tag: internal environment

Understanding the Identity Factor Is the Key to Moving Forward – TPS482

Just like everything else, your self-concept is a habit that affects all of your decisions. Protecting your identity often keeps you from moving forward. In this episode, I talk about The Identity Factor and how you can move past the restraints put on you as you try to keep yourself safe.


Definition of The Identity Factor: A mechanism that kicks in – subconsciously – whenever you try to make a significant internal change that will affect your self-concept and your position in the world. There’s a fear that if you make these changes, it will lead to your being alone and alienated.
I talk about the behavioral effects of The Identity Factor.
Common among successful people is that they never feel satisfied. So learning to be satisfied is a threat to who they perceive themselves to be – even though they understand that learning to be satisfied could make them more comfortable.
We are programmed to always want more, which keeps us unsatisfied.
If you have a habit of feeling alone, learning to feel connected can be a threat to your identity.
It is perfectly natural to resist major changes to how you have been. It’s easier for younger people than for older people.
Are you willing to look at who you have been so you can decide who you want to be?
It takes courage to let people know who you really are.
For your life to change, you have to change.
The more adept you are at change, the better your life will be – even though those periods of change can be uncomfortable.
To become naturally prosperous – where you really feel rich – you need to look at many internal aspects of yourself and be willing to make changes.
Each person has a unique combination of things they have to work on to become more comfortable.
To be a full human being, we have to learn how to live in society and we get to choose how we want to do that and who we want to connect to.
Your external world is just a reflection of what’s going on inside of you.

The Rapid Money Energy Tuneup

What Happened to You? by Oprah Winfrey & Bruce D. Perry

Erin Marcus: Success Is a Result of the Choices You Make – TPS482

Erin Marcus is the Founder and CEO of Conquer Your Business, an international company helping entrepreneurs and small business owners get out of reaction mode so they can be in charge of their businesses and their lives. Having made the successful leap from corporate executive to entrepreneur, she uses that experience, along with her MBA education and street-smart upbringing to help her clients reach heights they never dreamed possible. And have fun doing it! Erin is also an international speaker, having spoken for both corporate and entrepreneurial audiences including Highland Capital Brokerage, US Bank, Women’s Council of Realtors, and a wide variety of entrepreneur organizations.


Erin loved her corporate job but felt that something was missing and that she didn’t have enough control over her business world. That’s why she left corporate.
After corporate, Erin had a franchise and she tells why it was a burnout experience.
It never occurred to Erin that she couldn’t do what she wanted to do.
Because she had a lot of health problems as a baby, Erin developed a survival mentality. She shares the details.
Everything you are and what you do is a choice.
Your brain’s only job is to keep you alive, and it perceives everything as a threat.
People, including family, can support you but that doesn’t mean they understand you. Surround yourself with such inspirational people that it doesn’t matter what your family thinks.
Even though she has trouble relating to the experience of her feelings, Erin has made the choice to learn how to do it.
When people want to build a business, they often get good at doing the tasks but don’t learn the skills of building a business.
A coach’s job is to help their clients work through their fears.
The question, “What’s the worst that can happen?” can help work through fears of doing new things.
Most often, the thing that people are afraid will happen can’t happen.
One of the biggest problems for entrepreneurs is that they avoid talking to people.

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Click here to check out the information about the upcoming Rapid Money Energy Tuneup

Linda Fisk: The Value of Women in Leadership Roles – TPS480

In this episode, you will enjoy Linda Fisk’s inspiring, energetic approach as we get to know about her work and who she is. Linda is the Founder and CEO of LeadHERship Global, a community of unstoppable women enhancing their leadership blueprint and embracing their power to be the best version of themselves- in work and life.

Linda has a Ph.D. and M.A. in Clinical Psychology and has written extensively about social comparison, depression and anxiety, subjective well-being, and personality theory, with a focus on relating scientific research to commonly understood concepts. Currently, Linda is interested in the psychology of influence, persuasion, and negotiation.

Linda’s experience in corporate, where she was often the only woman in various positions, inspired her to start LeadHERship Global.
Companies benefit from having women in influential positions.
Women struggle more than men with the concept of competence.
Women tend to outperform men in crisis situations.
You have to combine mind and heart to be an effective leader.
Linda talks about the many skills that women have because they have had to understand and navigate family dynamics.
There are real burdens that women carry that can make it difficult for them to step into a leadership role.
Every leader has to identify their personal leadership style based on their own values, purpose, and talents. Linda’s organization helps women do that. She explains how they do this.

Linda’s Website:





How Feeling Alone Can Affect Your Finances – TPS479

In this episode, I talk about the relationship between the feeling of aloneness and money. If you can understand this relationship, when you’re having money problems or discomforts, you can get to the root of where those discomforts are coming from.


I describe a Akashic record reading a friend did that helped me tap into an early childhood memory that affected me more deeply than I realized. The incident, and one that followed, left me feeling alone and disconnected.
When we are young, we can also feel alone in our families. I explain why.
Getting to understand the emotions behind your decisions can help you change the course of the outcomes of your life.
Because in our culture we deal with money daily, we can use it as a method for getting in touch with our habitual emotions.
Whatever you’re saying to yourself about money is a pathway into your emotional self.
I discuss the five main feelings that people act out through their money that I discussed in my book Build Your Money Muscles.
The ultimate thing that you might want to accomplish is to know yourself and your own unique combination of emotions.
I talk about the limitations of EFT and BSFF.
There are so many ways that the feeling of aloneness can find its way into your system.
Once you recognize your habitual feelings, you can deal with them and move on, although the memory may never go away
I talk about how to get in touch with your feelings of aloneness and what to do about it.
Just making money or being in a big family doesn’t necessarily help people feel less alone.
One of the solutions to feeling alone is to get to know yourself by understanding your unique combination of emotions.
If you think you need more money, you probably need more people because money always comes from people.

Build Your Money Muscles: Nine Simple Exercises for Improving Your Relationship with Money

What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing by Oprah Winfrey and Bruce D. Perry

Be Set Free Fast

Byron Katie’s book – Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life

Let Go of the Aloneness Blocking Your Prosperity. An audio available on my site.

Audrey Holst: Perfectionism in Entrepreneurs – TPS478

Audrey Holst guides ambitious high performers and high achievers who are ready to stop micromanaging their lives with perfectionism so they can actually start living. She’s the founder of the Fortitude & Flow® Process which uses mindful and embodied practices to create transformation. Her work goes beyond mindset and addresses perfectionism’s impossible standards at their root cause.


Audrey shares her own experience with perfectionism and how that led to the work she does.
She kept trying to do things right so she could be accepted socially, but never felt as if she got it. It’s an interesting story.
Perfectionists often wait till the last minute to finish something that has a due date.
Once she got on the entrepreneurial path, she saw that entrepreneurship and perfectionism don’t go well together.
Audrey’s mother was a perfectionist. Once she understood the concept of inherited emotions and behaviors, it helped Audrey move forward.
Getting in touch with the body sensations that went along with her perfectionism enhanced Audrey’s self-awareness.
The style of yoga that Audrey studied was more about pushing through discomfort rather than embracing it.
When you notice something, don’t try to intellectualize or change it. Take a deep breath and just notice it and stay with it.
Perfectionism is a coping or survival mechanism.
Perfectionists often isolate because they don’t want anyone to know that they’re not sure how to handle something. So they don’t ask for help.
As you go through the process of letting go of some of your perfectionism, it will improve your relationships with other people in the world around you.
We talk about how being bullied at school contributed to her perfectionism and her willingness to move beyond it.
It takes courage to change your thought patterns and behaviors.
It helps to work with someone else when you’re trying to go through this process so that it doesn’t feel overwhelming and you know that someone has your back.
It takes a long time to reverse the perfectionism habit.
Audrey has developed five archetypes of perfectionism and they are available on her site.

Audrey’s website:




Ed Coambs: Financial Therapy for Couples & Individuals – TPS477

Ed Coambs is a couples therapist specializing in financial therapy. He loves helping couples go from despair and overwhelm to financial intimacy. It is not always an easy process, but it is one worth taking. He uses the latest in love and brain science to help couples flourish financially.


Ed tells us how he evolved from firefighter and financial advisor to financial therapist.
There’s so much emotion around money and no one tells us how to deal with that. Therapists don’t talk about money and financial planners and advisors don’t talk about emotions.
Part of Ed’s journey was understanding his own psychological issues.
We all have a relationship with money, much of which develops in early childhood.
When couples argue about money, they are often arguing about their emotional needs.
Couples often act out their parents’ relationship with money.
We talk about how childhood experiences affect your relationship with money.
Income disparity between siblings is common.
Ed describes what financial intimacy is really about.
We talk about shame and Ed shares his experience with shame around money and how to overcome it.
Understanding brain chemistry helps us to understand our responses about money.




Be Kind to Yourself for Better Business Results – TPS476

In today’s episode, I talk about techniques for developing peace of mind and how to use your inner resources to maximize your business. These techniques will help you create what you want and let go of some of the tension that you may be feeling because of everything that’s going on in the world right now.


Here are the main topics I discuss in today’s podcast. For more detailed information, read the transcript below the links section.
Spend time in nature. Go for a walk. Walk with someone else, if possible.
Either meditate or sit quietly watching your thoughts for 10 minutes a day. Imagine that you are letting go of everything.
Do stretches every morning.
Train yourself not to rush.
When you start worrying, imagine a positive future.
As you’re getting ready to fall asleep, take 10 deep diaphragmatic breaths. If you have trouble falling asleep, you might want to try using the supplement Theanine.
Pay attention to your sleep habits and get enough sleep.
Get a massage or do self-massage.
Keep track of your income and spending. Manage your cash flow.
Connect to other people.
Share what you’re feeling with someone else. Ask for help if necessary.
Leave space in your calendar.

Sign up for the Money Energy Tuneup

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The transcript is created via It’s not perfect, but you’ll get the idea.

Today, I’d like to talk about a techniques for developing that peace of mind. And being able to use your inner resources to maximize your business, to be able to create what you want. And to let go of some of the tension, you may be feeling because of everything that’s going on now.


Before I get to the techniques, I’d like to remind you that on September 9, I’m having a, an event, I don’t want to call it a webinar, it’s a little more than that. It’s called the money energy tune up. In it, I’m going to use a energy technique that I’ve learned over the years, to get you in a comfortable space, and to be able to deal with your money from a much more rational place rather than fear. So I hope you’ll think about attending this, it’s on September 9, there will be a replay. And if you go to, you’ll see what it’s all about. I will have a link to the show notes on


So, let’s talk about being kind to yourself, what are some of the things that you can do to remove some of your tension and, and just feel better about yourself and your life? I made a list today of the things that came to my mind, and I wonder what you can think of for yourself. One of the things that comes to mind first is to spend time in nature. There are studies that show that people who see grass, green grass, on a regular basis, are actually in a better shape emotionally than people who don’t. I go out for a walk every day and make sure I see green, and birds. And actually we walk in a park by my house. So I see the other dogs, we being my dog and me and I actually walk with someone, which is a very good idea.


Studies show that when you exercise with someone else, and that means walking, if or anything else that you do with someone that you get more value from the exercise. So spending time in nature, walking in nature, walking with someone else really helps. I know at the end of the day, I meet this person from my neighborhood at five o’clock. And we walk together for part of the way because he lives in a different neighborhood. So we walk part of the way and I walk a total of a mile and a half to two miles a day. And I focus on what I’m doing and how I’m breathing, and and just what’s going on.

Steven Hoffman: Secrets for Startup Success – TPS475

Steven Hoffman (Captain Hoff) is the Captain & CEO of Founders Space, one of the world’s leading startup accelerators. Founders Space was ranked the #1 incubator for overseas startups by Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazines. Hoffman is also a venture investor, serial entrepreneur, and author of several award-winning books. These include Make Elephants Fly, Surviving a Startup, and The Five Forces.


Steve shares his interesting journey to becoming the CEO of Founders Space.
We talk about the dangers of comparing yourself to others and not following your inner urge to do something.
If you have a big dream, then you make sure that you’re the best in your field. Steve shares his experience in trying to become a Hollywood writer/director.
A lot of entrepreneurs believe they’re better at something than they really are.
As an entrepreneur, how you think of yourself is important.
Anyone who works for themselves will learn that it’s an emotional roller coaster.
Steve talks about how Founders Space helps budding entrepreneurs on many different levels, giving them skills that can move them toward success.
It’s not unusual for entrepreneurs to become deeply attached to their business idea and then fail because they aren’t open to change.
Steve explains the screening process his company uses with potential clients.
For new entrepreneurs, when you get an idea, you have to take it into the real world to test your idea. Find out who wants it and why.
We talk about the importance of learning soft skills to go along with business skills.
Your work doesn’t define you unless you let it define you.
Because of the way your brain works, you have much more control over your responses and emotions than you realize that you do.


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Joan’s Money Energy Tuneup

Moving Forward During Times of Chaos and Change – TPS474

Because there are so many changes happening around the world, everything is feeling somewhat chaotic. Businesses and individuals have to flow with the changes to maintain or improve. In this episode, I make some suggestions for dealing with the changes and the chaos.


People who are good at change at adaptation will do best in today’s environment.
In certain areas, like real estate, people are doing very well. In other areas not so much.
It appears that individuals are not as willing to invest in things like coaching and consulting because of the brain warning against uncertain outcomes.
Be aware that things are changing and that business may be less robust because of this and not because you’re doing something wrong.
It may be advantageous to you to start looking at different ways to do things that you’ve been doing before.
People are craving connection and you may have to reach out to people, some of whom you’ve lost contact with, to get beyond the feeling of being disconnected.
Feeling connected is a key to doing well in business.
When you can get beyond fear and worry that’s when you can experience conscious synchronicity and what you need will show up.
So many things keep changing and you need to adapt your business to the changes to make sure you’re providing people with what they want and need.
If you’re stuck in worry, it’s difficult to allow creativity to happen.
Whenever you worry, that’s just the story you’re making up.
Meditation can get you in touch with a quiet place inside of you where you can begin to understand what to do next.
We are not meant to do things alone. We need other people.
Reach out to others and ask what their experience has been during these times.
The chaos is creating nervousness for a lot of people.

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David Wood is a former consultant to Fortune 100 companies who has built the world’s largest coaching business. He has coached for thousands of hours in 12 countries around the globe. As well as helping others, David is no stranger to overcoming challenges himself,

having survived a full collapse of his paraglider and a fractured spine, witnessing the death of his sister at age seven, and experiencing anxiety and depression. He coaches high-performing business owners to double revenue and their time off by focusing on less and being 30% more courageous in their business or career.


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