David Veech teaches leaders how to Love, Learn, Let Go, and Connect so they can create a workplace that fully engages the creative and productive power of people. He is a retired Army Veteran, has written two best-selling books, founded two successful international consulting firms, and provides executive coaching, leadership development, and problem solving for companies and government agencies around the world.
David’s messages inspire leaders and teams to obliterate obstacles, accelerate innovation, and elevate performance leaving everyone motivated and engaged for the future. His latest book is Leadersights.
David shares how his 25 years in the Army taught him about leadership and how he became interested in the .
The evolving approach to leadership has become much more holistic, focusing on the inner world of the person as much as the outer world.
We encourage people to appeal to the emotions of those we are leading.
Leadership requires constant self-awareness and self-assessment.
Leaders who want to succeed are learning that they have to understand their people and their needs.
“Do it because I say so” method doesn’t work anymore.
No single individual can control the changes that are happening, so leaders need to learn how to let go of their tendency to control.
David explains why the control approach has worked for so long and why it’s no longer effective.
Servant leadership rather than authoritarian leadership is evolving and starts with the concept of love – putting the needs of my people above my needs.
The way you measure things drives the behavior, and the way Amazon measures things is causing some of their people problems.
Amazon’s major measure is time – how quickly can we deliver to people and what do we have to do to make that happen.
Since Amazon has acquired Zappos, employee satisfaction has been lowered significantly because Amazon is not treating the employees the way that Zappos did.
Running businesses without paying attention to people is not sustainable.
David finds encouragement in the B Corporation movement where companies are creating really satisfying jobs for people.
The Covid pause is allowing people to take a really good look at their lives and their values and many are deciding to make major changes.
We talk about possible changes in society that will take place – many of which are starting to take place.
The decision cycle starts with love, and this requires that you learn about the needs of the people that you serve.
David talks about the learning groups he’s hoping to put together.
David’s Book – Leadersights: Creating Great Leaders Who Create Great Workplaces
David’s Website (Under Construction): https://www.leadersights.com
David’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/DSVLeadersights
David on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidveech/
Interview with Gary McGrath