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Tag: men and mental health

Men and Mental Health

Join Kristin Sunanta Walker and Joseph P. Mitsch for a new series on Men and Mental Health, played on Mental Health News Radio!

About Joe…..
A product of a broken home.. Raised by a single mother, Alecia. Always felt out of place growing up feeling the need to pretend I was someone I wasn’t. Teenage years became lost in the drug world which stole over 2 decades of my life. Made the decision to get clean in 2013 and went to work in the recovery field as a motivational speaker where I harnessed my non-traditional recovery approach.

Today with over 7 years removed from substance abuse I pride myself on being an independent, open minded free thinker. No longer associated with the field of recovery I have embarked on a journey of self-healing, confidence building and goal setting to discover ones true purpose in life.
Overcoming childhood trauma, drug & alcohol abuse, the passing of my mother, I have developed a unique outlook on life and pride myself on a layman’s point of view being able to look at, make decisions and formulate my own opinions without being told what to think, believe or do with my life.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t… You’re right” -Henry Ford

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