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Tag: military service

RET US Marine EOD TECH Tim Brown talks his path to growth, strength, and service.

Listen to RET US Marine Tim Brown, a native of San Antonio and Houston, Texas, tell his story of how he survived an IED blast in February 2011 and how it changed his life forever. From chats with his EOD teammates, as well as a helmet camera video, he learned that on the afternoon of 3 February 2011, he triggered an explosive device while responding to an IED that was discovered by the Marines of India Company, 3rd Battalion 5th Marines. Taliban forces in Sangin, Afghanistan specifically designed this IED to target his EOD team; a team which had already lost a team leader to severe wounds. The blast caused Tim to lose both legs above the knee, his right arm above the elbow, mangled his left hand, and left him with severe damage to the perineum. Tim has made 40 trips to the operating room since that date for reconstructive surgeries.

Tim retired from the Marine Corps and is currently finishing his degree from Georgetown University. He will spend the next year as the head of the University’s Student Veterans chapter. Upon graduation, Tim plans to work in the nonprofit space and serve those who have suffered severe injuries – both veterans and civilians.

Read more here

US Navy EOD Andrew Bottrell talks taking charge of life by never letting trauma define you

Josh and Ken sit down with Andrew Bottrell, a former Navy EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) Technician, who shares his story, lessons learned, and outlook on life. He talks about how he managed to not become addicted to painkillers while still able to use prosthetic legs just two months after his injury in Afghanistan in 2011. The blast took three of Andrew’s limbs; both legs and one arm. Andrew says that NONE of these things define him. He believes you need to dominate your life through whatever happens. If you do not like your situation, change it. Do not blame somebody else for it and do not wait for somebody else to do something about it. You are not entitled to anything, only what you work for. Take control of your own life, because life is what you make of it, so make the best of it. Andrew lives with his wife and daughter in San Diego, California.

Andrew’s Bio with Gary Sinise:
Andrew Bottrell’s Home Dedication:

Survivors Pride: How Mike Schlitz transformed loss and injury into purpose, service, and growth

Listen to Ken and Josh speak to Retired U.S. Army SFC Michael Schlitz talk about life in the military and his journey to strength and growth after he and his crew were hit with an improvised explosive device (IED) on a road-clearing mission in Baghdad, Iraq, in 2007. Mike didn’t learn until 11 months after getting hit that his gunman and medic were killed instantly, and his driver passed away shortly after the blast. Mike, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was ejected from the vehicle and lost both hands and his eyesight in his left eye due to a scarred cornea. He sustained burns on 85% of his body. Mike works for the Gary Sinise Foundation and has partnered with Josh, Ken, and the Boulder Crest team to support and mentor fellow veterans walking their own journey of PTG. Mike is a student, coach, and mentor, and a true example of PTG in action.

Listen to his amazing story now.

Welcome to the Struggle Well Podcast

Ken Falke, the Chairman and Founder of Boulder Crest and the EOD Warrior Foundation, and Josh Goldberg, the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Boulder Crest Institute for Posttraumatic Growth, co-wrote a book called “Struggle Well: Thriving in the aftermath of Trauma” last May. Since then, Struggle Well has been spreading all over the nation. Now, these two mental health innovators decided to take the message further and launch the Struggle Well Podcast, supported by the Mental Health News Radio Network. Listen to Ken and Josh talk about their journey from Boulder Crest Retreat to the launch of the podcast and what it’s all about.

From Struggle to Strength: Navy EOD Veteran Taylor Morris

Taylor Morris, a former Navy EOD, (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) Technician, shares his story from struggle to strength with the founder of Boulder Crest Retreat, Ken Falke. He talks about how he grew up with a love for tinkering and how he found his passion with the Navy as a bomb disposal specialist. On May 3, 2012, an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) detonated while Taylor was clearing a path into a building to provide his Special Forces A- team cover from enemy fire during a mission in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The blast took all four of Taylor’s limbs. Taylor spent two years of rehabilitation in the hospital and has an incredible positive outlook on his future. Taylor is a great example of posttraumatic growth and how he is able to keep pushing through when so many others might lose hope. Taylor lives with his wife, Danielle, in Cedar Falls, Iowa.


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