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Tag: mind body connection

Zodiac Magic 012 – 2nd Week In October – A Psychic Definition of Hell

Host Doug Stephan and Astrologer/Actor Laura Banks she can be contacted at: 352-552-1243, begins with Laura telling us that the Mercury Retrograde shouldn’t be feared, but is a time for reflection. On 10/10 Saturn goes direct and 3 more planets go direct this month, which could have an effect on COVID numbers. Next, Psychic Scout Mary O’Maley she can be contacted at: 800-341-9609 explains that there is no such thing as “bad energy,” just “creative and destructive energy.” She explains how to surround yourself with a shield that will protect you from anything that isn’t love. Finally, Mary explains how the psychic world defines Hell.

Zodiac Magic 011 – 1st Week In October – Get Ready For A Fun Weekend

Host Doug Stephan welcomes Astrologer Maria Francesca Triliegi and contact her at eases Doug’s mind, by telling him that the Mercury Retrograde that we’re currently in, will not be as tough as the last one. This Sunday & Monday make things orderly and grounded, because on Tuesday & Wednesday you will be working on new arrangements and conversations and the New Moon takes over. Thursday & Friday get serious become introspective. Then, get fired up for a fun weekend. Next, Psychic Scout Mary O’Maley she can be contacted at: 800-341-9609 explains why we select our parents and why host Doug selected his.

Zodiac Magic 010 – 5th Week In September – Another Mercury Retrograde Begins Monday

Host Doug Stephan welcomes Astrologer Maria Francesca Triliegi and she begins with the good news that another Mercury Retrograde begins on Monday. Libras will be affected the most this time and she recommends striving for peace and harmony. Tuesday through Saturday, Cancers should bake, cook and take care of yourselves. Next, Psychic Scout Mary O’Maley she can be contacted at: 800-341-9609 says that in a session, Spirit can start providing answers to questions almost immediately. Sometimes she actually experiences the same physical and mental pain as her clients. Finally, she says that Spirit usually recommends that her clients should aim higher with their requests.

Zodiac Magic 009 – 4th Week In September – Autumn Equinox Makes For A Fired Up Day

Host Doug Stephan welcomes Astrologer Maria Francesca Triliegi Monday’s Full Moon triggers a rush of emotions but focus on staying steady-as-you-go. The big day this week is Wednesday, as the Autumn Equinox kicks in. It’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labors and don’t be afraid to consider new ways of doing things. Next, Psychic Scout Mary O’Maley she can be contacted at: 800-341-9609 responds to Doug’s question: “When, if ever, does religion conflict with Spirit?”

Zodiac Magic 008 – 3rd Week In September – A Great Time To Find New Love And Work Relationships

Host Doug Stephan and Astrologer/Actor Laura Banks she can be contacted at: 352-552-1243, tell us that the sun is now in Virgo, helping all of us. On the 14th, stay away from new career or contractural commitments. Take what you’ve got right now and make it work until 9/22. This week holds very practical opportunities for Virgos. 9/16 is a great to meet with financial advisors and to grow savings. It’s also a good time to find professional advancement and love, through 10/6. Next, Psychic Scout Mary O’Maley she can be contacted at: 800-341-9609 answers Doug’s question: “Do animal spirits always return as animal spirits?” Mary goes on to explain Animal Soul Groups. Finally, Mary says that animals have a lot to communicate with us, we just have to look closely for them.

Zodiac Magic 007 – 2nd Week In September – Very Exciting Opportunities This Week

Host Doug Stephan and Astrologer/Actor Laura Banks she can be contacted at: 352-552-1243, begin with the wonderful opportunities for healing, accountabilities and romance for Virgos. The brakes are off between the New Moon on the 6th and the 10th. Laura says, “It’s a great time to fall in love with someone new or try something new in the bedroom.” Next, Psychic Scout Mary O’Maley she can be contacted at: 800-341-9609 explains the differences between Old Souls and New Souls. Did you know that you chose your parents? Mary explains Free Will, our 2 levels of thought and how they can be used to change your path. One of her techniques for that is Hypnotherapy. Finally, the story of how Walt Disney re-programmed himself, to make his dreams come true.

Zodiac Magic 006 – 1st Week In September – What Really Is A Soulmate?

Host Doug Stephan and Astrologer/Actor Laura Banks she can be contacted at: 352-552-1243, begin with a look at the 1st week in September and a suggestion from Laura to “Clean up your closet.” Laura goes on to explain about transients in Astrology. The New Moon pops up on September 6th and it’s a time to get more details covered. Time for Virgos to focus on health and nutrition. Are you a Linear Virgo? You have moved into the 6th House and it’s all about health and healing. Next, Psychic Scout Mary O’Maley she can be contacted at: 800-341-9609 talks about Soulmates, what they are and finding one doesn’t necessarily that you’ve met the love of your life. Finally, Mary says that we are made of love, so why is it so hard to find true love?

Zodiac Magic 005 – 4th Week In Aug – Stay Focused

Host Doug Stephan and Astrologer/Actor Laura Banks she can be contacted at: 352-552-1243, begin with Laura talking about being in a building phase on 8/22. Be out and about that day. Expect relationships and finances to become more stable on 8/23. But don’t make any long-term commitments on the 24th. 8/26 is a great day for fun and get ready to get back to work on 9/1. Next, Psychic Scout Mary O’Maley she can be contacted at: 800-341-9609 explains the definition of Karma, and did you know that you have the power to change your Karma? Finally, Mary says that in every life, we have a role to play.

Zodiac Magic 004 – 3rd Week In Aug – Should You Avoid Newspaper Horoscopes?

Host Doug Stephan and Astrologer/Actor Laura Banks she can be contacted at: 352-552-1243, begin with a look at how useful newspaper Horoscopes can be. Beginning Sunday, the 15th, Venus goes into Libra until 9/10. It’s a great time for relationships and working things out. 8/18 through 8/22 the Fire Signs light up for a great time to work out details for vacations or business plans. 8/22 is the best Full Moon of the year, which makes for an incredibly great day for relationships and intimacy. Next, Psychic Scout Mary O’Maley she can be contacted at: 800-341-9609, recalls an out-of-body experience that was the key to a new stream of information. Mary says that when she receives messages from Spirit, she feels it with every cell in her body.

Zodiac Magic 003 – 2nd Week In Aug – New Moon = Cosmic Reset

Host Doug Stephan and Astrologer/Actor Laura Banks she can be contacted at: 352-552-1243, begin with news that Leo is in a period of expansion. The New Moon means a Cosmic Reset and we could see some major World News this week. The 8th is a great day to start new projects. Be out and about. Protect your heart on the 9th and don’t be fooled. Strike with business moves on the 10th. And, on the 11th, share your love and plan on romance. Next, Psychic Scout Mary O’Maley she can be contacted at: 800-341-9609, explains how Spirit communicates with her and she talks about the gift of interpreting dreams.


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