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Tag: mothers

Listen Up Adults! – We’ve got something to say! (A story about missing my senior year)

In this series, we are highlighting the voices of youth and giving them a forum to talk about what is on their minds. 18 year old Zoey Bekkela joins us to discuss how missing her senior of high school changed everything…in a good way! She reveals the insights and wisdom this year taught her about self care, mental health, checking on friends, social justice and politics. While the negative impact of the pandemic on youth has been a focus in the media; Zoey provides a different perspective. Her positivity is a breath of fresh air and something we all need to hear.

Listen Up Adults! – We’ve got something to say! (A story about my transition to the gender I was supposed to be)

In this series, we are highlighting the voices of youth and giving them a forum to talk about what is on their minds. Ten year old ‘Matt’ joins us, along with his mom, to talk about his decision to live in this world in the way he has always felt…male. His words are so simple, yet so poignant, “Just BE who you are.” He goes on to remind us that we would all “just be happier” if we could accept each other.

Listen Up Adults! – We’ve got something to say! (A story about my mentally ill brother)

In this series, we are highlighting the voices of youth and giving them a forum to talk about what is on their minds. ‘Holly’ joins us for this podcast and discusses what life has been like growing up with a sibling who struggles with mental health issues. She artfully paints a picture of the pain, worry and insight she has gained during the journey with her brother. Holly reminds us all that love is big and messy!

Isolation, Separation and Loneliness…Oh My!

Today’s podcast tackles the topic of isolation (an issue we know all too well as of late) and how it can boar it’s way into our psyche. Prolonged loneliness and lack of connection can impact our thoughts and break down our beliefs. It can then morph into something we become habituated to. In this talk, we feature our favorite author, Tony Garcia, who shares two poignant writings as a springboard for our conversation. Tony has written three books, available on Amazon:
Wanna Know a Truth? A Simple Man’s Search for the Truths in His Life
Whispers From My Heart
Secrets, Truths & Whispers: Lessons from a Good, Hard Life
He can be found at:,

Understanding Suicide (Part II)

In part II of our suicide series, Jann discusses the two suicide attempts that left her and Shari reeling for answers. While emotionally difficult for both as they re-lived the emotions they experienced; they felt the need to share. Jann highlights the fact that while suicide is a choice, it doesn’t need to be the final choice if we can help others find a glimmer of hope through connection. Despair, pain and guilt are dissected in this vulnerable discussion as both mother and daughter speak from two very different perspectives.

Shari and Jann travel the country speaking on trauma and resiliency. More about them and their book, Which Way? can be found at

Understanding Suicide (Part I)

Given that the world has seen a drastic jump in suicides since the start of the pandemic, suicide expert Paula Fontenelle candidly talks about her personal experience with losing a loved one to suicide. Referencing her book, Understand Suicide: Living with loss. Paths to prevention, Paula discusses the myths associated with suicidality, highlights signs to look for, and provides helpful tips on how to address this topic with loved ones.

“Understanding Suicide” is the result of Fontenelle’s journey of self-discovery. Her book and podcast help us understand the complex nature of suicide, as well as its profound impact on those left behind. She can be found at:

And You May Find Yourself: A Guided Practice To Never Fearing Death Again

In this powerful podcast, we talk with Gerry Murphy, author of And You May Find Yourself: A Guided Practice To Never Fearing Death Again. Gerry’s near-death experience, where he felt as though he was “signing his life away”, forever changed the way he lives. Gerry encourages everyone to “practice” death, meaning that if we stop to truly think about our ending, we might find the urgency in changing the way we live. In doing this, he believes we are all given a second chance to create the life and legacy we want. This podcast is particularly relevant in today’s uncertain world and listening to Gerry’s accent is a bonus!

Gerry is from Scotland but lives in New York and runs Pentalogy Marketing His book can be found on his website, at Barnes and Noble, and on amazon

Medicating Normal – The intersection between human suffering and profit-driven medicine

You do NOT want to miss one of the most powerful interviews we have done! Medicating Normal is a documentary film that explores the untold story of what happens when profit-driven medicine intersects with human suffering.

In this podcast, Director Lynn Cunningham discusses her hope that Medicating Normal will present one very important and predominantly untold story. Her mission is that, as a society, we can begin a meaningful, informed, nationwide discussion about what it means to be fully human and mentally well.

Angela Peacock, MSW, former U.S. Army Sergeant, and subject of the film, Medicating Normal is a mental health advocate, a writer, and a YouTube creator who travels in her RV across the United States in an effort to improve the mental health care system and bring voice to patients who have been harmed by it.

Medicating Normal focuses on the predicament of 5 individuals whose lives were profoundly impacted by the medication they were taking. This group – individuals facing trauma and stress were drugged needlessly and made sicker as a result. Understanding the harm that had befallen them – especially in the context of the misleading science and marketing behind these drugs – compelled Lynn, her Co-Director, Wendy and their team to make this groundbreaking film.

For more information and community screenings of the film, go to

“Hindsight” – Seeing Clearly Through the Veil of Deception

Join us for a riveting talk with Rhonda Madge, author of the book Hindsight: Seeing Clearly Through the Veil of Deception. In this podcast, Rhonda delves into the murder of her father at the vulnerable age of 17. Trying to cope with the death of such an important figure in her young life set in motion a downward chain of events. Rhonda describes living in “darkness for 20 years” where she started believing in “whispered lies”, never really dealing with the grief of her father’s death. She takes us through that journey and how she ended up on the other side.

Rhonda is an author, speaker and blogger and can be found at: Her book is a must read!

“I Will Love You For However Long…”

In today’s podcast, we interview Rachel, a foster mom who has opened her home to many children over the years. Rachel delivers a powerful example of selfless love as she talks about the rewards and challenges of being a foster parent. In a world where countless children need a loving home, Rachel lives by the philosophy that “they need to attach more than anything I need”. She expertly describes the keys to successful foster parenting and emphasizes that the children she has cared for taught her far more than she ever taught them.

Rachel is a Social Worker and is foster mom to a 8 month old, 13 year old and 18 year old. She relishes time with what she refers to as her “sweet little family”.


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