110:What Are The Odds?
On this episode, I talk to you about having anticipation with multiple situations and how we can manage our feelings, actions, and emotions and still function a on daily basis.
On this episode, I talk to you about having anticipation with multiple situations and how we can manage our feelings, actions, and emotions and still function a on daily basis.
People with autism usually have another condition, such as anxiety, and I can guarantee it. Today, I talk about being anxious and the different plans that you could do in order to get through anxiety.
In this episode, I talk to you about how we see the world and how we analyze it in depth, often rehashing something over and over. Trying to figure out the world around us sometimes can be tricky and over analyzing can cause stress.
In this episode, I will describe to you the meltdowns autism can cause and I promise you, if you are raising a child with autism, you will see this happen. However, have no fear because Sam is here. I will tell you all the steps you need in order to handle and how to work with a meltdown.
Some autistic people scuffle with daily changes that happen.Today, I talk about the changes that we do and do not like. Plus, I squeeze in how the unexpected can cause mental instability for anyone with autism.
In this episode, I will interview my own mother and get her perspective of how any mom should help their son or daughter cope with autism. She is the G.O.A.T because of how she helps me everyday and I can never repay her for that.
Autistic people have a hard time making friends and getting the girl of their dreams.Today I show you tips and tricks on how to do find both. I also define and show the similarities and the differences between friendships and relationships.
Autistic kids sometimes use the phrase, “My way or the highway.” In this episode, I define the phrase “My way or the highway” and I say when and where to use it and not to use it.
On this episode of Autism Rocks and Rolls, I describe to you the good and the bad about being honest and being blunt.
On this very first episode of Autism Rocks and Rolls, I will explain many things about me and tell how I operate in my daily life. I am very excited to explain many different traits about autism and how I roll.