Therapy Abuse: A Problem that is Increasing at an Alarming Rate
WARNING: Talking about Abuse of Clients by Therapist. Some of this material may be triggering to folks who have experienced this.”
Therapist Abuse is emerging from the shadows and with it recognition of the profound ways it impacts on clients. Bernadine, who has survived therapist abuse with Amy Avalon, a retired private practice therapist and a passionate advocate for survivor of sexual and emotional abuse by therapists and Carolyn Clement, is an award winning family photographer, mother of two, and a survivor of therapy, child, and sibling abuse, offer a candid conversation of their experiences and coping strategies. These conversations are important because as Amy said, “There is wide-spread unethical conduct happening in the psychotherapy field that leaves clients in a worse place than when they started.”
Do you know what ethical boundaries your therapist must adhere to? Are you aware of the damages to you if a therapist transgresses those boundaries? This podcast is a part of a series that examines this area. If you are interested more, follow this podcast so you are informed when the others are published.