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Therapy Abuse: A Problem that is Increasing at an Alarming Rate

WARNING: Talking about Abuse of Clients by Therapist. Some of this material may be triggering to folks who have experienced this.”

Therapist Abuse is emerging from the shadows and with it recognition of the profound ways it impacts on clients. Bernadine, who has survived therapist abuse with Amy Avalon, a retired private practice therapist and a passionate advocate for survivor of sexual and emotional abuse by therapists and Carolyn Clement, is an award winning family photographer, mother of two, and a survivor of therapy, child, and sibling abuse, offer a candid conversation of their experiences and coping strategies. These conversations are important because as Amy said, “There is wide-spread unethical conduct happening in the psychotherapy field that leaves clients in a worse place than when they started.”

Do you know what ethical boundaries your therapist must adhere to? Are you aware of the damages to you if a therapist transgresses those boundaries? This podcast is a part of a series that examines this area. If you are interested more, follow this podcast so you are informed when the others are published.

Kagan Goh on living with Bipolar 1

Bernadine Fox interviews the indominable Kagan Goh. Originally from Singapore, Kagan Goh is a Vancouver-based multidisciplinary Mad Artist: award-wining filmmaker, published author, spoken word poet, playwright, actor, mental health advocate and activist. He was diagnosed with manic depression at the age of twenty-three, in 1993. Kagan is a well-known spoken word artist, essayist and poet, a respected and established voice in Vancouver’s literary community for over two decades. In 2012, Select Books in Singapore published his poetic memoir, focused upon his relationship with his esteemed father, Who Let in the Sky? In Kagan Goh’s follow-up memoir, Surviving Samsara, he recounts his struggles with manic depression, breaking the silence around mental illness. From an honest and personal perspective, Surviving Samsara traces Goh’s experiences as he wanders through the highs of mania, the terrors of psychosis, and the lows of depression. From the welfare office to the hospital ward and many places in between, Goh struggles to discern the difference between mental health breakdowns and spiritual breakthroughs. Facing his experiences with courage and authenticity, Goh shares memories of family altercations, pushed to the brink of living on the street, and psychiatrist visits. He explores his diagnosis of bipolar mood disorder not only as a medical condition but as a spiritual emergence—a vehicle for personal growth, healing and transcendence.

Kagan Goh “transformed from victim to survivor to activist.”

Bio from

Disenfranchised Grief: Death of Friends

Michael Anthony, from Indiana, grew up knowing nothing but physical abuse, neglect, poverty and pessimism. Somehow, in spite of his mistreatment and being surrounded with resignation and despair he knew he was not broken . Then a “mirror moment” changed his life. This self-made man tells us about his journey out of chaos and of his desire to inspire others to do the same.

95: Don’t Let the D’s (Despair and Depression) Get You Down!

If you’ve struggled with binge eating, food addiction or emotional eating for some time, you may find that the stresses and isolation of the quarantine have worsened your symptoms.  Or you may have had other life challenges that have caused stress and overwhelm in your life.  All of this can lead to depression and feelings of hopelessness or despair.  It can make your battle to make peace with food and your body feel even more difficult, leading you to fall back on using food to numb your emotions or provide comfort during these trying times.  But there is hope!  By nourishing your spirit, you can build resilience to help replenish your resources and give you the boost you need to rise to meet the challenges in your life.   In this episode you will learn: What are the causes of despair? What are the symptoms of spiritual depletion and despair? What are 3 actions you can take to get back on top of your game?

Physicians Who Deliberately Kill

Special Agent Sackman describes serial murderers who are licensed physicians both inside and outside of long-term health care facilities. Learn what motivates them, why medicine is a perfect setting to commit homicide and how they literally get away with murder for years. It will get you rethnking your next stay inside a hospital.

The Mess of Murder: Who Cleans It Up?

First responders have nothing to do with cleaning up a residence or business after a murder. Who does it, then? What are the risks to a property owner to do it themselves? What is the usual cost to have it professionally done? Are there federal laws that apply? Why is special equipment needed and why? How long can it take? Listen as we discuss these and other questions from the owner of a crime scene cleanup company.

94: Tattoos and Trauma

Tattoos have become more acceptable over the years but are often only seen as having decorative value.  My guest #DonnaTorrisi has written a book about the connection between tattoos and trauma.  While a tattoo sits only on the skin, the meaning of tattoos may be much deeper for some individuals, telling a story of a difficult time in their lives, a loss or a story of abuse.  In this way, tattoos are a form of self-expression that can tell you something about the person and their life’s journey.  We heal from trauma in many ways…tattoos are one of those ways.    In this episode, you will learn: How tattoos can create a bond between people who have experienced difficult life circumstances. How body markings can play a part in healing from trauma. Whether Dr. Carolyn has a tattoo and if yes, why?

Behind the Scene of Murder Investigations: Blood Analysis

“Why is this murder investigation taking so long?!” It’s a frequent question voiced by homicide survivors. This episode is but one example of why it can take years to get a case on the dockets. Uncovering, processing and entering evidence into legal proceedings is daunting – not to mention frustrating by those waiting for some kind of resolution. Meet Anita Zannin from A-Z Forensics. Ms. Zannin’s unique background and experience has proven invaluable in assisting counsel as both a non-testifying and testifying expert, both in and out of the courtroom. Ms. Zannin has been accepted as an expert in both federal and state courts, and has worked on criminal and civil cases in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. She explains the moving parts behind a murder investigation and helps us understand the frustrating wait for justice.

92: How Body Image Archetypes Can Help You Be The Best You Can Be

If you struggle with binge eating, emotional eating and food addiction, you may also have body image issues.  Your body image issues may keep you from doing what you want to do in life and keep you from being the best you can do.   Think of your body identity as a role or archetype you have chosen to play in your life for the time being until you are able and willing to be your best self. This is the way you’ve learned to cope with being in a bigger body.   Are you the rebel, wounded child or sexy mama?  Whatever role you’re playing it may be covering up the truth of who you are.   In this podcast, you will learn: How identifying your archetype may help you to see your authentic self. How negative self-talk just makes binging, food obsessions worse Why you can’t “hate yourself thin.”


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