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Tag: spirituality

Zodiac Magic 012 – 2nd Week In October – A Psychic Definition of Hell

Host Doug Stephan and Astrologer/Actor Laura Banks she can be contacted at: 352-552-1243, begins with Laura telling us that the Mercury Retrograde shouldn’t be feared, but is a time for reflection. On 10/10 Saturn goes direct and 3 more planets go direct this month, which could have an effect on COVID numbers. Next, Psychic Scout Mary O’Maley she can be contacted at: 800-341-9609 explains that there is no such thing as “bad energy,” just “creative and destructive energy.” She explains how to surround yourself with a shield that will protect you from anything that isn’t love. Finally, Mary explains how the psychic world defines Hell.

Rob Lohman…. I am NOT a Rubbberband

Why in the world would I say “I am NOT a rubber band anymore……”…
Well, let’s chat about:
What is a rubber band?
What is a bungee chord?
What is self-sabotage?
What is feeling defeated?
What is Living forward!
What is NEW Identity!
Tune in on this episode on the Addiction, Freedom & Faith podcast!

Make sure to Stay Connected with Rob during the week via any of the below social media platforms:

Twitter: @RobLohman
Instagram: @roblohmanliftedfromtherut
YouTube: Rob Lohman Broadcasts
Phone: 970-331-4469
Click here to schedule Rob Lohman as a Guest on your show

Consciousness Purification with Max Igan

Is human consciousness in the process of a historic purge and purification? The real life matrix crumbling down for one segment of the population but, becoming ever more powerful and draconian for another? What is behind the systems of control and how can free people make a stand against them? Our featured guest will shed light on all these questions. Max Igan is a teacher, metaphysical explorer, researcher, truth seeker, radio host, film-maker and one of the leaders of global awakening movement. As a documentary film maker, his film have reached millions of people world wide including his latest films, “Transformation”, “The Calling”, “The Awakening”. Several of Max’s insights can be found on the popular YouTube Channel, Inspired – 

Zodiac Magic 011 – 1st Week In October – Get Ready For A Fun Weekend

Host Doug Stephan welcomes Astrologer Maria Francesca Triliegi and contact her at eases Doug’s mind, by telling him that the Mercury Retrograde that we’re currently in, will not be as tough as the last one. This Sunday & Monday make things orderly and grounded, because on Tuesday & Wednesday you will be working on new arrangements and conversations and the New Moon takes over. Thursday & Friday get serious become introspective. Then, get fired up for a fun weekend. Next, Psychic Scout Mary O’Maley she can be contacted at: 800-341-9609 explains why we select our parents and why host Doug selected his.

David Poses: Opioid Addiction Treatment And Effective Harm Reduction

It was a pleasure to speak with David Poses on the podcast about his unique and fresh perspective on drug use, opioid addiction, medication-assisted treatment, and harm reduction.

As a writer, speaker, expert and activist, David Poses is focused on evidence-based addiction treatment, drug policy, and harm reduction. His writing has been published by Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and NY Daily News (among others), and he’s appeared on various TV and radio shows and podcasts. He is the author of “The Weight of Air: a memoir of a double life, fueled by addiction and mental illness.”

Depression was David’s gateway to heroin/opioid addiction. He started using at 16 and kept his struggle hidden long after he got sober with Buprenorphine at age 32. Ten years later, in 2018, he realized his silence was working against the changes he wanted to see in the world. How could he expect anyone else to talk openly about their addiction or mental health issues if he denied the existence of his? David set out on a mission to share his experiences with the world through his books, public speaking, and bylined articles for major media.

David lives in New York with his wife and kids, and many instruments he can’t really play.

Please visit Dr. Leeds’ practice website:
and his podcast website:

Dr. Neil Anderson Freedom In Christ and Victory Over The Darkness

Dr. Neil Anderson CHANGED my life forever as I dove into his writings, his books, and his Freedom in Christ Ministry!

Dr. Neil T. Anderson was an aerospace engineer before entering the ministry. He has five earned degrees including two doctorates and was formerly chairman of the Practical Theology Department at Talbot School of Theology.  He is the Founder and President Emeritus of Freedom in Christ Ministries, which has offices in 35 countries. He has authored or coauthored over seventy books including Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker, which have both sold over two million copies worldwide.

Learn more about Dr. Anderson via the below links:

Make sure to Stay Connected with Rob during the week via any of the below social media platforms:

Twitter: @RobLohman
Instagram: @roblohmanliftedfromtherut
YouTube: Rob Lohman Broadcasts
Phone: 970-331-4469

Zodiac Magic 010 – 5th Week In September – Another Mercury Retrograde Begins Monday

Host Doug Stephan welcomes Astrologer Maria Francesca Triliegi and she begins with the good news that another Mercury Retrograde begins on Monday. Libras will be affected the most this time and she recommends striving for peace and harmony. Tuesday through Saturday, Cancers should bake, cook and take care of yourselves. Next, Psychic Scout Mary O’Maley she can be contacted at: 800-341-9609 says that in a session, Spirit can start providing answers to questions almost immediately. Sometimes she actually experiences the same physical and mental pain as her clients. Finally, she says that Spirit usually recommends that her clients should aim higher with their requests.

How To Cultivate A Warrior Spirit & Frequency with Dylan Charles

A dear friend of the Outer Limits of Inner Truth, Dylan Charles (the founder and editor of  and host of the  podcast) makes his fifth appearance on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth. Dylan discusses how to cultivate a warrior spirit and frequency. Dylan also takes a deep reflection the madness currently engulfing the world. His hero’s journey of awakening and self-actualization began with a choice to take full responsibility for his health, wellness, and happiness. Shunning the medical establishment, he set out to overcome addiction, depression, anxiety and chronic illness, first turning to the martial arts of Kung Fu and Tai Chi, then toward mastery of personal energy with Qi Gong. In 2009 he left the US to live in Central America and studied shamanic plant medicines with traditional indigenous masters from the Amazon and Africa, and now sits in ceremony as a facilitator-in-training, and serving as a guide and advisor to courageous seekers of inner truth. Dylan is a warrior for consciousness and is dedicated to leading as many men as possible back to their natural state of presence and power, guiding them on their path to self-mastery and inner peace. Having written hundreds of articles and reaching millions of people with visionary insight and matrix-busting candor, he now guides individuals and small groups of men on intensely transformational journeys of self-discovery and sovereign re-programming. He offers group mentorships, deep one-on-one personal coaching, medicine retreats, and online training. Dylan Charles Coaching ======= WHAT EXACTLY IS THIS “GREAT RESET” PEOPLE KEEP TALKING ABOUT? THE ORWELLIAN VACCINE PASSPORT AGENDA AND THE LIE OF THE “SOCIAL CONTRACT” HOW TO STAND UP FOR YOURSELF THE MYSTERY WALK: SEEKING A METAPARADIGM FOR THE EVOLVING TRUTH QUEST

Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable featuring Gary Heavin

Gary Heavin is an entrepreneur and self described adventurer. He and his wife Diane are the founders of Curves, the worlds largest fitness franchise. They are credited with pioneering the concept of express fitness centers having opened 10,000 locations in 92 countries with over 5 million members. After selling the company 8 years ago, Gary has pursued his philanthropic interests doing things such as rescue flights in Haiti for 6 weeks following Hurricane Mathew that had left a million people homeless and starving. As a high time pilot, he was able to utilize his passion in saving the lives of hundreds of victims. For over 10 years, he and his wife have been feeding 10,000 children a day in Haiti. Gary has numerous credits in TV and movies. He and Diane appeared on ABC’s Secret Millionaire where they spent a week in the poorest area of Houston serving the poor and revealing their true identity as they donated almost half a million dollars to worthy organizations. Gary co-wrote the scripts for the movies Mission Air and Amerigeddon as well as acting in a major role in the latter. He also has acting credits in the new move, Roe V. Wade. Gary has flown his jet around the world multiple times, is an accomplished helicopter pilot and is a nationally ranked Hot Air Balloon racing pilot. In addition to amassing a fortune, he is a two-time New York Times bestselling author and holds a degree in health and nutrition and an honorary doctorate degree. Gary and his wife Diane, are committed Christians and believe that to whom much has been given, much is expected.

Helping the Family Heal from Addiction with Heather Gaffney of Full Family Recovery

Heather Gaffney discusses Helping the Family Heal from Addiction.

Heather Gaffney is a certified Family Peer Recovery Coach as well as a Certified Recovery
Coach. She works with families that have been impacted by addiction as well as individuals who
are seeking recovery for substance use disorder.

Heather received her training through The Partnership to End Addiction as well as The Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery. She has also lived with the family dynamics of alcoholism and addiction to one degree or another all her life.

She has been clean and sober for over 31 years, her mother has been sober for over 32 years and
her husband has been sober for over 27 years. She and her husband now also have a young
adult son with over a year clean and sober. She has experienced first hand what drugs and
alcohol can do to the person who is using substances as well as to the family living with the devastation they bring.

?Heather spent years working on herself to heal from the habits, patterns and personality issues
that addiction caused in her own life and she went through training in order to help families and
individuals that are struggling with the impact of substance abuse.

Alcoholism and Addiction from any perspective is overwhelming and it can be a nightmare for the
family and the individuals suffering to know what steps to take. Heather’s hope is to help people find the care, support and encouragement they need as they learn new ways of coping.
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Make sure to Stay Connected with Rob during the week via any of the below social media platforms:

Twitter: @RobLohman
Instagram: @roblohmanliftedfromtherut
YouTube: Rob Lohman Broadcasts
Phone: 970-331-4469


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