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Tag: therapy

Suzanne Venuta on living with Dissociative Identities

We all dissociate. However, some of us use dissociation as a primary coping skill and create a complex system to deal with what are usually difficult lives. Misinformation about Dissociative Identities (multiple personalities) including stereotypes has been promoted in popular culture complicating the issue even further. Suzanne and Bernadine sit down to unpack what is Dissociative Identities. Every wanted to be a fly on the wall to hear the real goods on dissociation? This is the conversation to hear. Join us for an interview with award winning, recent TEDx speaker, Suzanne Venuta who lives with dissociative identities. (Photo Dan Toulgoet)

Who is Eugene LeBlanc?

Eugene LeBlanc has been the director of the Moncton New Brunswick based self-help center, Groupe de Support Emotionnel inc, the publisher and Editor of Our Voice / Notre Voix and has advocated for the rights of the consumer/survivor and pyschiatric survivor community since 1987. Because of this work he was awarded the New Brunswick Human Rights Award in 2003.

We talk about his work and the current state of human rights for mental health consumers.

Charlotte Watson talks about Estranging from Family

Charlotte Watson is an AAMET accredited, certified Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) practitioner. But here on ReThreading Madness, Charlotte describes why and how she estranged from her entire family as a young adult and how this has impacted her life. It is an provocative story of emotional trauma, betrayal, and an eventual visit with her ailing, elderly father which offered both the recognition of loss but the surprising gift of resolution despite his advanced Alzheimers.

Three Consequences of Therapy Abuse: Unhealthy Dependence, Betrayal, and Extreme Ambivalence

WARNING: Talking about Abuse of Clients by Therapist. Some of this material may be triggering to folks who have experienced this.”

Three Consequences of Therapy Abuse: Unhealthy Dependence, Betrayal, and Extreme Ambivalence. Amy Avalon, a retired private practice therapist and a passionate advocate for suvivor of sexual and emotional abuse by their therapist and Carolyn Clement, an award winning family photographer, mother of two, and a survivor of therapy, child, and sibling abuse, join Bernadine again to discuss the ways in which unethical therapists develop a profound dependence in their client, followed by a deep all-encompassing betrayal which leaves the client in an ambivalent place of Love vs Hate. If you are struggling to frame what happened to you in an unhealthy therapeutic relationship, this series of podcast will offer some insight and guidance.

Comedian JD Derbyshire on Sanism

The incredible JD Derbyshire who is a writer, comedian, mad activist, performer, playwright, theatre maker, director, inclusive educator and innovator joins Bernadine in RTM. We talk about being mad and the need for individuals who live with mental health challenges to have agency in their lives and to consider coming out. And we laughed… we laughed a lot.

Elder Keith Chiefmoon and The Sacred Sundance: Preserving the Traditional Ceremony

In 1895, the Canadian government banned the Sundance. Intent on destroying the first nation’s way of life and spiritual practices, the colonizers banned various ceremonies and certain practices (like piercing) along withholding sacred objects required for those ceremonies. While this was legally reversed in 1951, it took many years before all First Nation Communities were aware of this change, many more for the fear of retribution and arrest to lift, and even more to feel empowered to engage again in activities such as piercing. Overall, as Keith Chiefmoon describes, the damage to this important ceremony, based on oral traditions, has had long lasting repercussions to their sense of self, community, and mental health that stretch into our present day.

In this podcast, Keith Chiefmoon of the Kainai Nation and Blackfoot Confederacy, generously describes how several decades ago, an elder told him – and sternly so – that the spirits had identified that he was to bring back the traditional Sundance. During several days of praying and fasting on Chief Mountain those spirits outlined this Sundance: the location, the arbor, dancing, drumming, singing, praying, dry fasting (no food or water for 4 days), and piercing (a very sacred offering) – “The old way,” Keith says. And the Spirits were clear: he was to accept any person who wanted to Sundance regardless of their colour: First Nation, black, white, or Asian. This Sundance is currently the only one which does so.

Photo of Keith Chiefmoon by Colin Bolin


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