The 3 Faces of Evil – Unmasking The Full Spectrum of Narcissistic Abuse
An in-depth and candid discussion with Christine Louis de Canonville, B.A. Hons; MIACP; MTCI; MPNLP, CMH; CHyp. Christine has been a Psychotherapist and Supervisor of mental health professionals for over 20 years. She worked in the trauma unit of a Psychiatric hospital, and worked specifically with victims of narcissistic abuse in her private practice.
During my own research after a horrendous work experience with a disordered and malignant narcissist, I was referred to Christine as the expert to have on Mental Health News Radio Network. Christine joined me the day after Thanksgiving 2014 from Dublin, Ireland to discuss her book, her work with therapists and survivors, and her hopes to educate the public about these dangerous and toxic individuals. I am so honored to have her on the show.
This is such a hot topic that the seven days after we posted information on our social media outlets to pre-advertise the show, Christine had thousands of new downloads from the Americas for the first chapter of her book and 20,000 new visitors to her site
Christine has recognized a gap in the training of many psychotherapists. Her book THE 3 FACES OF EVIL – Unmasking The Full Spectrum Of Narcissistic Abuse sets out to address the shortfalls in a therapist’s education so that they become better equipt to work with survivors of narcissistic abuse. As part of her health advocacy work she set up her Website ( where she posts original and much needed information for educating both therapists and survivors. She went on to develop an effective program for working one-on-one with victims suffering from Narcissistic Victim Syndrome, and developed workshops for educating therapists and other health professionals in the whole spectrum of Narcissistic abuse. Much of her knowledge has come from her post-grad studies in Criminology and Forensic Psychology, and it is through these disciplines that she has gained her understanding of the The Dark Triad, (Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy). These Three Faces of Evil are vital information for understanding the full spectrum of narcissistic abuse.
It is her vision that narcissistic abuse becomes part of the curriculum of all Mental Health Professionals and other professionals (i.e. Psychotherapists, Social Workers, Police, Doctors, Solicitors, Law Courts, HR management, etc.) who deal with the fallout of this form of abuse.
Listening to Christine’s lovely accent is reason enough to download the broadcast but the information provided is imperative for survivors and for therapists. I have invited Christine to be a regular guest since this is a topic that is finally getting the attention it deserves. After my own experience in a toxic work environment (you can read the article I wrote about it here), I learned that these personality disordered individuals flock together (bird’s of a feather) leaving whomever stands against the abuse as a target. The healing process is especially painful for survivors because of the damage that can affect their emotional, financial, mental, and physical health. The show has been downloaded from Blog Talk Radio and iTunes well into the thousands and from all over the world. It is awe inspiring to be a part of bringing awareness to this subject and working with individuals like Christine.
Please feel free to reach out to us for a complete list of information regarding these disorders.
The staff of everythingEHR is committed to continuing our efforts at bringing awareness of this abuse to the public. The more people that are educated about this subject, the fewer targets will be available, and quite possibly this may force these disordered personality types into long-term treatment.
A note and wise words from Christine, “There is nothing like a narcissist to bring out your own pathology.”
While it is imperative to treat survivors of this abuse, it is also important for survivors to dig deep and look for the reasons why they were targeted. On my own journey I found taking responsibility for why I was in this situation was a necessary step on the road to my own recovery. Many times victims of this type of abuse are accused of being the abuser. A main difference is the willingness of the victim to go to therapy and examine their behavior while the narcissist stays far away from treatment. One of the most insightful articles we have found other than those on Christine’s website is here. There are 3 phases/cycles involved when in relationship with a narcissist:
- Idealization
- Devaluation
- Discard
No one escapes this pattern. Victims that continue on with the abuser will go through these stages over and over again until they finally and hopefully get the help they need to extricate the abuser from their lives. Sadly there are mental health professionals that are either uneducated about how to properly treat this form of abuse or they are abusers themselves. We’ll discuss this on our next show on Narcissistic Abuse.
If you have questions for Christine:
Counselors listed by country that specialize in this type of abuse:
The Hart Centre:
Hands Full of Hope:
Christine Louis de Canonville:
Dr. Paolo Molino
E-mail :
United States:
Parental Alienation Legal Resources & Support:
Linda Martinez-Lewi, PhD:
Evan Kimble:
Darlene Lancer, JD, MFT:
Andrea Schneider, LPC:
Karyl McBride, PhD, PC:
Christa Alexander, LPC:
Shannon Thomas
Abusive Relationships, anxiety, authentic life, behavioral health, bullying, Coercive Control, community, coping skills, counseling, Covert Narcissism, current events, de-stigmatizing mental health, depression, destigmatize mental health, destigmatizing mental health, emotional abuse, empath, gaslighting, healing, healing life, healing lifestyle, Kristin Sunanta Walker, life skills, mental health, mental health awareness, mental illness, narcissism, narcissist, narcissistic abuse, narcissistic abuse recovery, narcissistic personality disorder, narcissistic victim syndrome, NPD, NVS, overall health, Overt Narcissism, Personality Disorders, psychological abuse, psychology, PTSD, self-care, Stockholm Syndrome, suicide, suicide prevention, The 3 Faces of Evil, The Gaslighting Syndrome, toxic people, trauma, Trauma recovery
I looked for your book on Amazon UK but it’s unavailable. Where can I buy a copy please? Don’t want to download.
Melanie Vann
You can go to and email Christine directly to order a hard copy of her book.
kim langley
hi,same as above-I would like to buy a copy of her book,but was unable to do so? I am fine with downloading but I am not sure where to access that.When I went online,the site asked me to “partner with” the author?,if anybody can help me obtain a copy of The 3 Faces of Evil-Thank You so much!
We’ve forwarded your comment to Christine so she can direct you on how to purchase her book.