The Code 9 Project: “YOU ARE NOT ALONE” Brandielee Baker
Brandielee Baker is our guest today on Positive Connections Radio. She is a former First Responder working in EMS and is a professional coach/strategist specializing in wellness, specifically stress, anxiety and conflict.
Brandielee is the cofounder of the national non-profit organization, The Code 9 Project, the founder of Positive Constructs, and the creator, and executive director, of the nationally accredited, S.H.A.R.E. and T.U.F. Training Programs.
The Code 9 Project is a national non-profit that provides education, training and advocacy for the prevention of PTSD and suicide for law enforcement, first responders and their families.
The Code 9 Project also serves as a bridge between First Responders and their communities by providing; outreach, education and community building. They have a team of chaplains, peer support, critical incident trainers and a specialized trauma debriefing team for individuals, police and fire departments, first responders, frontline workers and hospital staff.
The Code 9 Project has a national helpline that is 24/7 for all frontline workers and first responders. The Code 9 Project national helpline number is 844-HOPE-247.
For more information on The Code 9 Project, visit: and follow @code9project on Facebook and @thecode9project on Instagram.
addiction, addiction recovery, alcoholism, anxiety, cops, death, death of children, depression, emergency, EMT, finding strength, firefighter, first responder wellness, First responders, hope, Law Enforcement, mental health, mental illness, paramedic, police, PTSD, Recovery Coach, Sober living, suicide, suicide awareness, tragedy, trauma