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The Effects of Colorism on Mental Health


One of our most downloaded guests, counselor Steven Welch joins us to discuss the topic of Colorism.

1. What is colorism ?
2. Why do we need to know about colorism as mental health practitioners?
3. What are some examples of colorism?
4. What is the connection between colonialism and colorism?
5. What are your automatic thoughts when you see a dark skinned black man?
6. How does colorism impact self-esteem?
7. What are some examples of colorism in the media?
8. Where else is colorism practiced around the world?
9. How is colorism expressed in your household?
10. What are some resources to learn more about colorism?

Steven Welch is a seasoned psychotherapist with over 27 years of experience in the areas of addiction, HIV, LGBT, adult and adolescent care.

As a Clinical Social Work/Therapist, LCSW-R, ACSW, CCTP and Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC), he is able to adapt his clinical knowledge to support clients in a wide spectrum of life stressors.


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