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The Gaming Community and Suicide Prevention: Interview with Fenway Jones | Episode 86

NOTE: Fenway Jones will be speaking at the American Association of Suicidology’s Annual Conference on Thursday, April 22nd at 2:00PM ET. You can listen to her and the many other diverse speakers virtually or in person at the conference in Orlando.

Her TED-Style talk is called: “Building and Reaching a Community”


Jasper’s Game Day

While many non-gamers might have only heard of some of the potential negative consequences of excessive (mostly video-based) gaming (e.g., desensitization, sleep deprivation, and neglect of other life priorities like academics, work and exercise), those inside the gaming community (especially board and role play-based games) have come to realize there are many well-being benefits:

Often radical acceptance and unconditional regard

A virtual community that is highly accessible and inclusive

A reprieve from the toxicity of bullying, harassment and discrimination

Opportunities to learn and excel in problem-solving and communication

A chance to envision and experiment with ideal versions of themselves

In this episode, I speak with the amazing Fenway Jones, a high school student who is changing the world. We talk about the psychological benefits of being a part of a positive gaming community. We also discuss how she has made meaning after losing two friends by engaging the gaming community in suicide prevention.

About Fenway Jones
Fenway Jones is a high school senior. At 11 she started her gaming career with Pathfinder and Dungeons and Dragons. At 14 she lost two friends to suicide and decided to use the grief and pain she was feeling to take actionable steps to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. She started the 501c3 non-profit Jasper’s Game Day to use her hobby, gaming, to raise money for suicide prevention and awareness. She wants to bring the gaming community together and show everyone they are not alone. Since starting JGD just under $200k for crisis hotlines and centers has been raised.

Fenway’s Twitter:

For more information on this episode go to


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