The Hijackal Haze: How Hormones Keep You Hooked on Hijackals and Hope
Hooked on the rush of falling in love?Hooked on the feeling of not being able to get enough of another human? Wonder why you want to go running back to the nasty human you knew to leave? It’s all about hormones at the most basic level. Your body has its own agenda. It wants you to not think too much so you’ll have babies. Yes, I know that sounds a bit simplistic, but it’s true. Your hormones go into overdrive. Your hormones override your recognition of danger–emotional danger, physical danger, sexual danger. When hormones get involved, even your risk-taking concerns are overridden! #Cortisol, #dopamine, #serotonin, and #oxytocin all play a significant part in how you get hooked on #Hijackals! Once you recognize this, and really think about it, you can begin to override your body’s urges, and overrule the hormone’s effects with logical thinking. No, I’m not suggesting you give up the joys of falling in love and get all too practical! I’m suggesting that it’s best to recognize how your body wants to move towards procreating, and makes you somewhat brain dead to the red flags and toxic signs. You don’t want that. You want to be more in charge. Yes, you would likely like to let yourself go down the rabbit hole of falling for the latest #Hijackal. You know that goes nowhere but into a land of hurt, right? Yes, you’d like to believe the #Hijackal when s/he comes back, love-bombing, saying all the right things to hook you on the hope they’ve changed. Engage brain at that moment. Recognize your hormones are triggered. Step back. Today’s episode can save you from that world of hurt by reducing it to the few weeks of withdrawal required to unhook yourself. Listen in. best regards,RhobertaWant to talk with me? One-hour introductory session is only $97.————————————————————-I WANT TO HELP YOU FIGURE OUT WHAT’S GOING ON AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT!If you want to learn more, share, ask questions, and feel more powerful within yourself and your relationships. Join my Optimize Circles now.Off social media, safe discussion + videos + articles + webinars + personal home study program + group Ask Me Anything Calls with me.WOW! Join now. Only $5 for the first month at any level.———————————————————————-HIGHLIGHTS OF TODAY’S EPISODE:How hormones reduce your ability to think clearlyHormones make risk-taking more attractive and acceptableWhat hormones do to your ability to make decisionsWhy you get hooked on #HijackalsWhy you get hooked on hope that #Hijackals will changeWhy you want to go back to an abusive relationshipWhy you must take charge and understand your body to keep yourself safe in all waysWant to work with Dr. Shaler? Introductory session for new clients, $97CONNECT WITH DR. RHOBERTA SHALER:Website: TransformingRelationship.comPodcasts: RelationshipHelpNetwork.comFacebook: RelationshipHelpDoctorTwitter: #hormonesandabuse #hookedonhijackals #fallinginlove #hormonesandfallinginlove #oxytocin #cortisol #dopamine #serotonin #highlevelsofhormones #relationshipadvice #tipsforrelationships #Hijackals #toxicpeople #mentalhealthmatters #MHNRNetwork #RhobertaShaler #narcissists #borderlines #antisocial #difficultpeople #emotionalabuse #verbalabuse #stoptoleratingabuse #toxicrelationships #manipulation #walkingoneggshells #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #abuse #narcissisticabuse #boundaries #personalitydisorder #difficultpeople #journorequest #prrequest
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