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The Untold Story with Joe Campbell

Joe Campbell eloquently shares his story while exploring the layers of trauma that accompany the work of long term healing. No matter how much of his story he is able to share, the experience of knowing the full truth about his father’s murder remains a mystery, and he works to live with this reality every day. Carrying the untold story in addition to learning to live with the trauma impact is something that has changed the trajectory of his life. Joe Campbell is a champion for peace and healing and he continues to use his suffering to help others.

Joe Campbell is the son of RUC Sergeant Joseph Campbell who was shot dead in February 1977 outside his police station in Cushendall, County Antrim. Nevertheless, true to the values of his late father, Joe has, from the very beginning, rejected all calls for retaliation against the perpetrators and continues to pursue justice through the courts with remarkable courage and dignity.

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