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Trauma, Resiliency, and Moving Forward with Randall Liberty


Today’s podcast is a particularly emotional one. Trevor talks with Randall Liberty (02:14), Commissioner of the Maine Department of Corrections and a participant in McLean’s Deconstructing Stigma campaign. Randall is no stranger to trauma. As a child, he watched his mother experience frequent bouts of domestic violence from his alcoholic father. As an adult, he has been witness to the scene of more than 30 suicides and 35 fatal accidents during his years in law enforcement. He’s also pulled 19 bodies from lakes, rivers, and streams as a rescue diver, and endured unthinkable amounts of stress, loss, and traumatic events during his time as a battalion commander fighting in the Iraq war. Randall talks candidly about living with PTSD, how he copes, and how it puts him in a unique position to help others. You really do not want to miss this one.

Read more about Randall and his incredible journey:

anxiety, coping skills, depression, LGBTQ friendly, life skills, mental health, mental illness, Personality Disorders, psychiatric conditions, psychiatric disorders, resieliency, social issues, stress, trauma

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