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Veterinarians face Emotional Exhaustion that can lead to SUD, depression and Suicide


Can you imagine being the one telling a family that their beloved Fido, a member of their clan, needs to be euthanized?
In order to become a veterinarian, you most likely have a love and appreciation for animals. One could argue that people who love animals are the most empathetic. So this job ironically would be the most difficult. Of course, there are many rewarding moments too, but emotional exhaustion opens the door to depression, which can sometimes lead to suicide ideation.
Philip Richmond, DMV, CAPP, CRT, CCFP joins our podcast to share his story of recovery and explain why education for medical professions regarding sud and mental health is crucial to promoting change within the industry. He will explain that learning coping skills for dealing with stress in the medical school curriculum will save lives.

addiction, addiction culture, addiction recovery, addiction society, addiction therapies, addiction treatment, behavioral health, community, coping skills, drug abuse, drug addiction, emotional wellness, empowerment, grassroots, individual strengths, life skills, mental health, Mental Health Education, mental illness, Opioid Addiction, opioid epidemic, pop culture, psychiatric disorders, recovery, self-care, skill-building, stress, stress management, substance abuse, substance misuse, transformation

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