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Wall Street to the Well : From Fortune To Faith : Stu Fuhlendorf


Stu Fuhlendorf is the Senior Pastor of Redemption Hills Church in Littleton Colorado. After spending the first half of his career in the competitive world of high-tech software and systems development as a business executive, Stu spends much of his time studying, preaching, and teaching the Gospel to those with unique challenges in life, and a need for Jesus – namely all of us. Stu is being used as a servant of God in ministry to help men and women think more deeply about their lives, and overcome the devastating effects of idol worship, addictions, and sin in a suffering world.

Through his studies, speaking, and writings he has become a tireless advocate for men and women, encouraging and inspiring them to change their lives in Christ and teaching the Gospel in a committed fashion. Stu often reflects on his own experiences in Biblical terms as he participates regularly at various prison ministries, redemption ministries for those recently released from prison, street ministries, and recovery ministries. He is regularly invited to preach and speak at churches and conferences nationwide.

He has served on the Board of Directors of The School of Business and Leadership at Colorado Christian University, the Foundation Board of the University of Northern Colorado, in addition to other profit and non-profit Boards.

Author Stuart Fuhlendorf

His first book, Wall Street to the Well, is scheduled for release April 2019.
Stu earned a master of divinity (MDiv) from the Denver Seminary, a master of business administration (MBA) from the University of San Diego, and a bachelor of arts (BA) in social science education from the University of Northern Colorado. He lives in Indian Hills, Colorado with his wife, Trish. They have two grown children who divide their time between school, work, and fun in Colorado.

For more information about Rob Lohman, visit

addiction, Advocacy, bipolar disorder, Christianity, coping skills, depression, incarceration, life skills, living sober, Opiods, Opioid Addiction, Opioids, recovery, self-care, Sober Coach, Sober living, substance abuse, substance misuse, substance recovery

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