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What Three Billy Goats & a Troll Have to Do with Covert Narcissists Dr. Rhoberta Shaler

Whatever has the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff got to do with covert narcissism? Just who is that troll under the bridge in the story? In your story? Let’s take a look at that in today’s episode of Save Your Sanity. Sad that any one has to live under a bridge, for sure. No doubt about it, the parents of a covert narcissist taught them how to do it. That’s how they survived their childhoods. Unfortunately, those are the only strategies they currently have, and so….under the bridge! Covert narcissists love to live under a bridge, have a sad story to tell, and offer to “gobble you up” when you don’t meet their needs. Today, I’m using this story to help illustrate how crafty covert narcissists are, how they hide in wait to pull you under! How they are lying in wait to make you wrong! Dr. Craig Malkin wrote that: “What’s different about covert narcissists is that because they’re introverted, they don’t advertise their inflated egos.” They may not advertise, but they still sell you that bill of goods. Are you feeling guilty that you can’t make things right or good for someone who seems to never want to feel better? Are you exhausted from trying to show someone that they matter, and it seems they don’t want to see it? You could be with a covert narcissist…or, maybe, you were raised by one. For sure, today is a good day to see what’s under the bridge, and refuse to cross any more! HIGHLIGHTS OF TODAY’S EPISODE:Why your heart goes out to people who are “takers”What covert narcissists do to make you feel as though you’re never doing it enough to make them feel goodWhy their constant stories of “it’s not fair” or “no one ever gives me a chance” need to stop playing on your heartstringsHow covert narcissists use passive-aggressive behavior to pull you down, and pull you under the bridgeWhy you’re only valued for what you can give a covert narcissist, never for who you areI hope this help you see that more clearly. If you need help with this, I’m here for you.Let’s talk soon. I can help. Schedule an initial hour consultation HERE for only $97.I hope this empowers you to make positive changes NOW.Talk soon.RhobertaRhoberta Shaler, PhD,The Relationship Help DoctorForRelationshipHelp.comP.S. Subscribe to my newsletter, Tips for Relationships, HERE.WANT THE PRIVACY AND SAFETY OF MY SUPPORT GROUPS AWAY FROM FACEBOOK?You can have that, and:access to my Optimize Circlesmy 21 Steps to Empowered Emotional Savvy programmonthly “Ask Me Anything” callsat least monthly insightful webinarYou can get most of this right now for the price of one latte a month! WITH DR. RHOBERTA SHALER:Website: ForRelationshipHelp.comFacebook: RelationshipHelpDoctorTwitter: livestream show, Help for Toxic Relationships, on Mondays at 6 PM Pacific Time.Subscribe now to get a reminder. Ask your questions in the chat each week!You can also listen to the last 32 episodes of Save Your Sanity on Mental Health News Radio Network. That’s a great place to get in-depth insights for shoring up mental and emotional health of all kinds.#Hijackals #toxicpeople #verbalabuse #emotionalabuse #RhobertaShaler #narcissists #borderlines #antisocial #difficultpeople #toxicrelationships #manipulativepeople #walkingoneggshells #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #abuse #narcissisticabuse #boundaries #personalitydisorders #MHNRNetwork #covertnarcissist #trolls #identifycovertnarcissism

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