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When Addiction And Mental Health Make The World Smaller


Lots of hurting people out there. The vast majority of us either
face a struggle with mental illness or addiction or they have someone
they care for who does.

Guess what? The more we chat about something, the stronger we become
and the vibe becomes more positive than negative & much more approachable.

I sit with Kerstin Stockhem who runs a residential treatment center, Villa Vita,
with her husband, Chris, in Sweden. She shares the approach of her center and
how Sweden is approaching addiction and mental health challenges. We chat on
the power of caring and treating our fellow hurting humans individually rather
than using one standard method.

If you have someone you care for struggling, hurting… my hope is that you will
pass the word that help is ok and support is something they deserve. Treatment
and recovery are possible. Wishing you blessings and peace as we head into a
new week.

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