Where is Your “ROCK BOTTOM” going to be?
Positive Connections Radio:
E-58: Travis Wittaker
Where is Your “ROCK BOTTOM” going to be?
How do you know you’ve hit your rock bottom? Been there before? How many more times do you want to do it your way? What do you do? Listen to my intro and Travis and know there is help available. Confidential help by trusted professionals who “Get Us” and they are there to help point you in the right direction.
Here’s a little bit about Travis Wittaker:
Travis has been sober for over 12 years. He is the father to 3 amazing kids with his beautiful wife of 27 years who he loves spending time with. Travis loves basketball, golf and being in the outdoors during his free time.
Travis has worked in the treatment industry for 8 years from admissions to marketing. In addition to his role as Vice President of Clinical Outreach at True Recovery in collaboration with First Responder-Wellness by Simple Recovery, he is also a National Certified Interventionist. Travis also has a popular Facebook page, Car Talk with Travis, where he and guest shares inspirational messages through video about addiction and Recovery. Travis is also a board member of 10,000 beds, a nonprofit organization who provides scholarships to addicts without the means to pay for treatment.
Contact Travis at: www.livingrecoveryinterventions.com
addiction, addiction recovery, alcoholism, anxiety, cops, death, death of children, depression, emergency, EMT, finding strength, firefighter, first responder wellness, First responders, hope, Law Enforcement, mental health, mental illness, paramedic, police, PTSD, Recovery Coach, Sober living, suicide, suicide awareness, tragedy, trauma