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Why Narcissistic People Hijack Holidays & Ruin Celebrations

It’s common for Hijackals to ruin holidays. Narcissistic folks can be counted on to do it, too.What’s up with that? They’ll do it for any celebration. This episode will help you understand why it happens, AND offers practical suggestions for responding to it in healthier ways. You don’t want to dread the holidays, yet that often happens. You just know that things are going to be tense, at a minimum, right? There are reasons why these sad folks get so mean around the holidays, or any celebration that is not focused on them. IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT! Listen in and take this to heart. It will save you heartache! Big hugs!RhobertaHIGHLIGHTS OF TODAY’S EPISODE:7 sad reasons that narcissistic people ruin celebrations and #Hijackals ruin the holidaysKnowing why they do it, what you can do How being emotionally prepared for things to go wrong helpsHow being physically prepared for when things go sideways in the holidays helpsRemember, it’s not your faultWhy no amount of trying to please a narcissistic person will work Want clarity, insights, strategies, and support from me, Dr. Rhoberta Shaler? We can talk: Introductory session for new clients, $97CONNECT WITH ME: I invite you to like my pages and follow for further help with recognizing toxic relationships, realizing their impact, realigning your life, and recovering your self-confidence and ability to love and trust again.FOLLOW DR. SHALER…WEBSITE: https://www.ForRelationshipHelp.comPODCASThttp://www.SaveYourSanityPodcast.comFACEBOOK————————————————————-I WANT TO HELP YOU FIGURE OUT WHAT’S GOING ON AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT!If you want to learn more, share, ask questions, and feel more powerful within yourself and your relationships. Join my Support Circles now.Off social media, safe discussion + videos + articles + webinars + personal home study program + group Saturday Support Calls with me.WOW! Join now. Dr. Shaler’s Support Circle. Save $24 on your first three months. Safely off social media.———————————————————————-#narcissistsruinparties #narcissistsruincelebrations #narcissistsruinholidays #hijackalsruincelebrations #hijackalsruinholidays #whynarcissisticpeoplehavetoruinholidays #ruiningtheholidays #ruiningthecelebration #allaboutthenarcissist #hijackalsneedthespotlight#needingattention #mustbethecenterofattention #savemysanity #saveyoursanity #relationshipadvice #tipsforrelationships #Hijackals #toxicpeople #mentalhealthmatters #MHNRNetwork #RhobertaShaler #narcissists #borderlines #antisocial #difficultpeople #emotionalabuse #verbalabuse #stoptoleratingabuse #toxicrelationships #manipulation #walkingoneggshells #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #abuse #narcissisticabuse #boundaries #personalitydisorder #difficultpeople #antisocialbehavior #lackingempathy #journorequest #prrequest Support this show See for privacy and opt-out information.

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