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Anxiety and Depression | Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry


Anxiety and depression are real and are plaguing the world nowadays. It is important to be aware of it, and then not only just recognize if you are down or depressed or whatever, but to find the root cause of it all. Don’t just wish it away, or take a pill, or eat that cake. Really find out why you are feeling that way. Once you do, then you can do something about it. You can remove that “problem.” Or you can at least take steps to change it.

There is a staggering statistic that states that only 10-20% of us actually like what we do for work on a daily basis. That is awful. Another 65-70% or so are indifferent to it, meaning they don’t really care either way. That means they are just going to work to make money, but don’t like or dislike their jobs, they just do it because they have to make money. Then that leaves about 15% or so who really hate what they do. They lay in bed dreading waking up and getting out of bed to go to that job to make money to try to get ahead, which they rarely do.

Work is only part of the equation. Broken relationships, health problems, feelings of inadequacy, etc. These are all area of our lives we should examine. Feng Shui is a popular term originating in China. It is usually referred to in the sense of a physical environment which claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. Basically it talks about the flow of energy. If your furniture is in the right place in your house, it is easier to move around the house. The energy flows. There is a lot more to it, I am just using it to make a point.

And the point is, that you can apply this principle in every area of your life. If your relationship isn’t flowing, try to find out why. Make some changes to make it more comfortable. It will improve you overall outlook on life. And of course, it is the same with your job. If you are unhappy, then either change your outlook on it. Find a way to enjoy it more. OR, find a new job. It is unlikely you are going to retire there with a pension. Find what truly makes you happy and find a way to do that. Go after your own goals and dreams. Make a little start. You’ll find yourself feeling lighter and happier

Dennis Berry Keynote Motivational Speaker –

Funky Wisdom: A Practical Guide to Life –

The Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry


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