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Dick Larson | New Ageless Wisdom Teachings | Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry


Dick Larson is a counselor with a background in education who addresses the issues of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, meditation, and practical spirituality in everyday life. He has been a guest on radio talk shows nationwide, co-hosted a radio program, and produced and hosted a series of public access television shows that currently air around the nation.

In these difficult times, he sees great hope in this new cosmic cycle of life on planet Earth, and tries to help others see the same. Larson entertains and inspires as he shares his strong convictions about the future:  that we are now in a very special time of world change — one that offers tremendous opportunities for personal growth and positive transformation in our world community and in every aspect of our lives.





Thanks for watching The Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry.

Dennis is a Life Coach for Addiction Recovery and Life Mastery. If you are struggling with any type of addiction like alcohol, food, porn, drugs, or shopping, reach out for help. Asking for help is the first step in solving the addiction puzzle.

Maybe you’re not struggling with an addiction, but you are simply “stuck” in life and don’t know how to push through. Dennis is the master in helping people get laser-focused, accomplishing their goals and dreams, and achieving life mastery on every level.

Dennis works with people worldwide and currently has clients in England, Australia, and India. Zoom is a beautiful tool for helping people all over the world.

If you like what you see, and you’d like to hire Dennis to speak at your next event, he is the best motivational keynote speaker on the planet. He brings a ton of energy, experience, motivation, and inspiration to the table. His fun, witty, unique spin on life, with a touch of humor, will leave you motivated to get out there and improve yourself.



LinkedIn: dennisberry1

Facebook: @LifeCoach.DennisBerry

You can buy his best-selling book on Amazon – Funky Wisdom: A Practical Guide to Life


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