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Fomer Firefighter James Geering Now Fights For Your Wellbeing


Pirate to stuntman to paramedic/firefighter to podcaster and back to stuntman. He’s traveled and worked around the world. He saw the fire culture’s damaging effects on its members and that with becoming a single parent, he decided to choose his son over finishing his career. I find this very brave as so many of us say we would choose our family/kids over anything in the world, being a firefighter fulfills a deep need we have that the fear of leaving the job is too overwhelming. I remember wondering who in the hell leaves this job by choice? It’s almost like I didn’t even know that was possible. James shows what a firefighter who grew up learning good coping skills looks like versus those of us who grew up just trying to survive as a kid and are still currently using coping mechanisms that just don’t serve us anymore as adults. We talk about sleep deprivation, and what the fire service needs to do to make us healthier and have better longevity on the job.
Behind The Shield Podcast
One More Light By James Geering


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