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Having the right mindset | Funky Brain Podcast with Dennis Berry


When you wake up in the morning, are you psyched for the day ahead, worried about the day ahead? It is so important to have a good positive mindset to approach all of your daily activities. When you do, you will have good positive outcomes… OR if you don’t have good positive outcomes every single time, you will react sanely and with patience and tolerance and find the right solution. If you are filled with negativity, that is the energy that will come out when things go “wrong.”

So, here are a few different types of mindsets you can try to adopt to become more productive and happier in your life, and really in your day to day activities:

Learning Mindset – Always try to be learning something. When you learn something new, you feel good about yourself; more confident and capable. It doesn’t take long to learn something new either. What are your interests? What do you need to learn to get to the next level in your job/career? Take a few minutes everyday to listen to a Podcast, read part of a book, watch a video. You will feel better about yourself.

Positive Mindset – Focus on positivity and you feel positive. I already addressed this above. Very important. Meditate. Focus on gratitude and love and you will attract those energies into your life.

Focused Mindset – Stay focused on your goals and dreams. We all suffer from distracted thinking. There is so much going on and it is so easy to get distracted and get off task. 


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