Suicide is the Untold Story of Gun Violence in the US — Why Gun Safety is Suicide Prevention: Interview with Dr. Michael Anestis | Episode
According to Everytown for Gun Safety, nearly 2/3 of all gun deaths in the US are suicide fatalities. A surge in firearm purchases during the last year have many in the suicide prevention field concerned about increasing suicide rates long term, because the research is clear — easy access to lethal means for suicide increases risk for people when suicidal intensity surges.
In this podcast, I speak with one of the worlds leading experts on guns and suicide. Dr. Mike Anestis shares concrete action steps we can take as we work toward a collaborative solution to keep our homes safer from suicide.
Dr. Mike Anestis
Dr. Mike Anestis
About Dr. Michael Anestis
Dr. Mike Anestis is the Executive Director, New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center and an Associate Professor at Rutgers University’s Department of Urban-Global Public Health
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Mike Anestis received his PhD in clinical psychology from Florida State University, where he studied under Dr. Thomas Joiner. His work focuses on suicide prevention among both civilians and service members, with a particular focus on the role of firearms. He is the author of approximately 150 peer reviewed articles as well as the book Guns and Suicide: An American Epidemic, published by Oxford University Press in 2018. Dr. Anestis was the 2018 recipient of the Edwin Shneidman Award from the American Association of Suicidology in recognition of his early career achievements in suicide research and currently serves on advisory board for a number of organizations, including the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the Jed Foundation. For more information on this episode go to