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Tag: authentic

Keeping Golden through the Gunk

Abbe Chane joins me today looking at the significance of our mindset through different seasons and the connection this has in pursuing our passion in life.
Abbe is a licensed real estate agent and has been teaching yoga for the past ten years. Recently, in response to COVID circumstances Abbe took the step to providing a virtual Yoga group called, Abbe’s Golden Girls.
Abbe and I look at the awesomeness involved in pursuing your passion in life as well as the significance of seeking to encourage and inspire others without expecting anything in return.
Today’s episode is powerful, inspiring and teeming with goodness!

To join Abbe’s Golden Girls Yoga, head to and be sure to follow her on Instagram @abbes_goldengirls and Facebook @ abbe’s goldengirls yoga, fitness and strength

Forty Three Years on Earth Brings Forty Three Life Lessons

I turn forty three years old this week. In that time I’ve made mistakes, lost people I’ve loved, traveled the world, had different jobs, made friends, lost friends, rekindled old friendships and the list goes on.
I’ve also learned a heck of a lot from the different roads I’ve taken and I wanted to take some time to share 43 lessons that I’ve learned that have helped me grow, challenge myself and, ultimately, live a fuller and more meaningful life.
I’d also love to hear from you. What are some of your own life lessons, whether you’re 23 or 73, I want to hear from you.
If you are looking for a great read in promoting growth, personal challenge, and encouragement through human connection check out my latest book, Conversations for Good: Listening and Learning from our Neighbors Around the World. You can find it on Amazon.

The Eyes of Isolation

Lonely. Stressed. Disconnected. In a time of ongoing stressors we have millions
feeling a sense of disconnect and isolation like never before. This ongoing state has
had a direct impact on mental wellness and mindset.
This week we look at the power of eye contact, community and getting creative in
making an effort to exchange disconnection for re-connection.

Interested in contributing towards the Goodness Chick Podcast mission? Hop on where both Venmo and PayPal are accepted.

The Balance of the Working Mom and the Pursuit of Mental Wellness

There are millions of women right now feeling sorely overwhelmed trying to keep a balance as a professional, mom, friend, sibling, etc. Too often, working women in the workplace who are also trying to raise children are wired to think that asking for help when overwhelmed or creating healthy boundaries are weaknesses vs a strength and a need. We end up having countless overworked, over stressed women who are functioning, but not truly living the quality of life they were intended for.
Pauliana Lara, attorney, public speaker and women’s advocate, joins me to discuss strategies for women to find that healthy balance, in seeking support and creating a path of less judgement and greater encouragement to our fellow women.
If you’re looking to have Pauliana Lara speak at your business, school or workshop you can find her at
Check her out on Instagram: @paulianalara Pauliana’s email:

The 4-1-1 of LOL

Laughter is the best medicine. With the roles we hold in life
we can sometimes take ourselves too seriously. Whether it’s due to
fear of what others think of us or having unrealistic expectations for
ourselves we can withhold joy from our lives without even realizing it.

A key to a higher level of living? Laughter. Learning to choose laughter
instead of judging ourselves for our mistakes. It’s the pursuit of being
comfortable doing things that we may consider risky, because, what
would people think of us? Whether it’s dancing in our living room in
front of our family or singing in our car with the windows down, it’s
the pursuit of simple joys that make us laugh, smile and truly live.

Getting Over Getting Older

Getting older can be tough on our body and our emotions.
How are you doing with the aging process? Whether we’re 25 or
65 aging can hit us differently.
But what’s crazy significant is how we choose to face how our body
and mind change over time. Being comfortable with who we are and the person we are becoming begins with being rooted in self love. When we love
ourselves, that reflection in the mirror is met with greater appreciation and
value. When society dictates and defines what beauty is and promotes
youth while devaluing age, we can get on a slippery slope of questioning our
own value.
Let’s take some time to remind ourselves of our beauty, inside and out, taking time to strengthen our view of the reflection that stares back at us in the mirror.

Do you enjoy listening to Goodness Chick’s weekly Pod? I’d love
you to consider sponsoring the show either a one time donation
or monthly. Hop on to sponsor via PayPal
or Venmo.

Treat Yo’ Self!

Getting on the train of self care, value and going out of our way to celebrate ourselves and the life we are living.
Does decorating for Halloween make you smile? Do you LOVE your apple cider or the smell of balsam for Christmas? Too often we allow the expectations or rules set by others to hold us back from tapping into the little things in life that evoke joy and goodness in our hearts.
Celebrate. You don’t need to come up with some crazy excuse of why you’re taking a bubble bath, going for a run, pursuing your masters degree or whatever it is that enhances your life….go for it.
Life is short. Every day is a gift. Repeat that to yourself. Take time to live, really live, enjoy the beauty in fresh air, a sunrise, a good cup of tea or whatever it is that fills your cup. Love yourself and don’t just say it, connect it with action.

To purchase your copy of inspiration, encouragement and goodness check out Conversations for Good on Amazon.

Daring to Create Goodness

The Founder and CEO of the Bee Daring Foundation joins
me for this week’s episode chatting about how dialoguing about
mental illness and provide tips for strengthening mental wellness it
removes barriers and stigmas that too often deter people we care about
from receiving the help and support that they need.

Michelle shares her journey in how she has chosen to dare to create
amazing goodness spreading awareness on mental health in providing resources for support, encouragement, and insight.

Be sure to follow Michelle and her work on all forms of social media at Bee Daring Foundation:

You can also register for one of our upcoming virtual workshops with the Daring Goodness Campaign at

Never Be Normal

Be you. Toss the feeling of having to conform to what you think others want you to be to the wayside. The reality is that there is no normal. It simply doesn’t exist. What does exist is one you. There are no replicas.
There are millions of people that are living life, but aren’t comfortable in their own skin. Who don’t really know who they are. It can be a somewhat slippery slope trying to be what you think you’re supposed to be or live up to the expectations of others.
In today’s episode we look at how to rock out being your authentic self and, with that, learning how to love who you are and who you were intended to be.

If you’re interested in donating towards the Goodness Chick Podcast mission,
hop on to click ‘donate’ and you can use either Venmo or PayPal.

How To Not Control What You Can’t Control

Have you struggled with the lack of control that exists in the midst of
some truly trying times? Have you faced anxiety and other emotions due to it?
Check out today’s episode rocking out some strategies for learning how to let go of the concept and pursuit of trying to control things we simply are incapable of. When we are able to take this big step it has amazing emotional and physical benefits.

If you’re looking for an uplifting and inspiring read, be sure to check out my latest book, Conversations for Good: Listening and Learning from our Neighbors Around the World on Amazon.


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